Inside Kimmy's Mind

My Brain is Goo…

I have spent the last few weeks finishing up with finals. I haven’t updated a real entry since before Thanksgiving and I’m really annoyed about this.

Yes I still have unfinished entries waiting to be typed and published but I have been so busy with school and Christmas shopping/knitting that I haven’t had the time to sit down and write. And every time I do, I get distracted with a million other things or I fall asleep playing Pokemon. Yes Pokemon. A friend gave me a ditto so I’ve been breeding Pokemon like crazy. I can’t believe that I managed to study with everything that seems to distract me. But I did it and I took my final and who would have guessed that studying actually helps. XD I should do that more often when it comes to tests and exams. In all seriousness though, I think I did pretty good on the test. Here’s hoping.

Anyway, so Christmas is near but the weather is being fickle and refuses to remain the proper winter temperature. It is rather upsetting, especially when I’ve been knitting and hoping to use the items I’ve knitted. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago the weirdos and I attended a gathering of awesomeness…aka Gaymers handhelds. A meetup where like minded nerds meet up and play video/board games. The majority of its members just happen to be gay men. And it was wonderful. I met several lovely dudes and am in love with each of them. They were so friendly and welcoming I had a blast. One of my new friends even traded me a Ditto!!! Now if you haven’t played Pokemon then this won’t interest you but if you have, then you know that this means you can breed other Pokemon. And the good thing about this means you can trade with other people. I’m on a mission to collect Pokemon that I’m actually familiar with.  Yeah I’m a nerd.  Anyway, so after making a ton of new friends I saw this video that was just absolutely perfect in every way.

This is what I’ve been missing all along. A gay boyfriend. XD I even had a knitted date with one of my new “boyfriends”.  And then I found out I was nominated for Best Female Gaymer, I’m flattered but I hope I don’t win. Me being straight might offend the female gaymers who are in fact gay. So I’m hoping one of them win. I’m not too sure exactly how many members are lesbian but I’ve only ever been to handhelds so there might be more than I think there are. But it still makes me happy that I made an impression on whoever nominated me. :3 Makes me feel special.

Being done with finals is so refreshing. I plan on updating more and maybe in vlogging here and there. I cannot wait for Christmas. I’m excited to give my parents their gifts. Ok, so I just noticed the time, Kat and I have a big day planned for tomorrow…well later today. So I should just end this entry and get some sleep. >.< I got distracted with movies. Also, you should watch this mini series. You will love it.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving…

Holy crap, it has been far too long since I last updated. Several blog worthy events have been piling up. But when I finally get a chance to update, I get like two lines in and then have to either finish reading a book for my lit classes or I am too tired and save it for tomorrow. But “tomorrow” never seems to come. I still have to finish writing about my sister’s wedding. :/

I spent this holiday at my parent’s house, I haven’t seen them since Mija’s wedding so we definitely needed the family time. I’ve been super lazy, I didn’t do any reading like I should have. I just watched movies and ate….a lot. But I have been knitting. I’m knitting a scarf for a friend as a Christmas gift. I’m trying out a new pattern and so far it looks really good. I am pretty proud of it. XD I’ll share pictures over at Mind-Speaks…after I give it to her of course. Thanksgiving dinner was amazing and I hope everyone else had a great holiday. Both my parents worked on Thursday so we had our dinner on Friday. But we also went to Walmart for Black Friday. And people are insane. They were similar to zombies feasting on a body. I was shocked. You should have seen how crazy they were over just pillows and towels. I think some people were just grabbing crap just so someone else wouldn’t get it. They took some satisfaction in seeing a person disappointed because they didn’t get what they were aiming for. How sick is that? Other times I saw people eyeing carts, as if they planned on grabbing things out of them. O.O Why are people crazy? There was even a bit of drama while we waited in line for a TV. It involved people who let family members cut and a woman who would leave her cart in line to save her spot. As long as my mom got her TV and we weren’t injured, I didn’t care what other people were doing. My siblings waited in line for movies and video games. They managed to grab two copies of Dishonored, two of Black and White Pokemon, Dance Central 3, Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption. And then several dvds, great loot all in all.

So now that my lazy holiday is over I now need to concentrate on finals and essays. My last final is on the 14th and then I’ll be done for the semester. I have two essays to write, due next week and two tests this week. Oh joy. I wish all my essay writing for the semester was done. I have no idea what to write. I need to start planning it out seeing as they are both due next week. Pffft great. This sucks.I can’t believe it has taken me this long to post another entry. I plan on making haul video soon. After I finish writing essays and whatnot, so look forward to that. I’ll try to update soon, I still have a lot of drafts to finish.

So, what did you look forward to eating this year at Thanksgiving? Mine was pumpkin pie and green bean casserole. :9 Thanks for reading, next entry I should have pictures and music to share.

Piece of My Mind

“Guilt burned like vomit in my throat.” -Leslie Feinberg, Stone Butch Blues

So I guess my friendship with bus dude isn’t going to work out. Yesterday, we had a conversation that did not end very nicely. I had misunderstood him completely and he did the same with me. I automatically filed him into the friend zone after our first dinner together. After said dinner, I let him know that I wasn’t looking to start anything up and we  agreed to be friends. We texted back and forth, but we only hung out once more, in person, after that and it just further proved that I wasn’t interested nor ready to date. I figured I didn’t have to reiterate because he never actually showed any real interest. But who am I kidding? When a guy asks for a chick’s number that is a sign he might be interested. I was in denial. He never told me he was interested in me as more than a friend and I just clung to the idea of a friendship. He then told me that he wasn’t sure if he was interested, but as he got to know me his  interest grew. He told me he was willing to wait. Willing to wait? WTF? Why do guys think this is romantic to say? Bus dude is the third guy to tell me this and frankly I find it annoying. Willing to wait? You don’t know how long you would have to wait and you don’t know who you will meet during that waiting period. Oh and I think my feelings should also be a factor in this equation. Life throws obstacles at you and you cannot guarantee that those obstacles won’t end up changing your mind. It doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t mean your feelings weren’t real, it just makes you human. I told him that the longer he’d wait, the more I would end up seeing him as a friend.  He then said that time was a more pleasant alternative and lets just see what happens. I translated that into, “Shhhhh. I’m not listening to you or your feelings and I figure if I wait then you will come around sooner or later.” I cannot control who I have feelings for. Those feelings just happen.

I feel as though this should be the theme song to my blog.

I really wish bus dude had been more upfront about his intentions and then I could have reminded him of mine. I refuse to believe that a single male and female are unable to maintain a friendship. Is that really all that impossible? Will feelings on either end always develop? I’m frustrated and I feel bad for hurting bus dude but it wasn’t as if I wasn’t honest from the beginning. Towards the end of the conversation, I told him that as long as he didn’t form any expectations then he could do as he pleased. I didn’t mean to sound cold-hearted but I didn’t want any more misunderstandings to occur. And don’t give me this crap about how nice guys are always exiled to the friend zone. They are exiled there because they, A. are either too much of a pansy to speak up about their feelings or, B. a chick just really cannot imagine being in a romantic relationship with them. Forgive me for not being able to change my feelings to match his. I’m just getting more angry as I think about this. I feel horrible how this ended but I don’t think I made a mistake. I know where my feelings are and I can’t change them. Part of me thinks my life would be much easier if I didn’t have these feelings but I’m tired of feeling guilty for still having feelings for my ex. Yes, he was a dumb ass but I can’t help that I still like him. I really want to blame him for my current situation but this is all my fault. I was the one who gave bus dude my number and I shouldn’t have assumed that he was only interested in a friendship. So now I’m out a friend and I feel like a bitch. He ended with saying I’m going to go away for a bit. I translated that to be, “We are no longer friends and I don’t want to speak to you.”

This is going to make future bus rides very awkward. -.- I guess I should just ignore the opposite sex for awhile. No friendships or relationships. Just pretend men do not exist…yes I’m being dramatic. I know.

Thanks for reading.

P.s. Is this karma for going through high school with no drama what’s so ever?

Carry it With You

So I’ve had the song, Dog Days Are Over, stuck in my head already for 3 days straight. I’ve been playing it on repeat and now I plan to get it stuck in your head as well. Mwahahaha!!! But it’s a good song. I love the music video for it. Florence is dressed in a pretty dress and then as the song progresses she resembles a Japanese kabuki actress. My favorite parts are her arm movements in the beginning and then the chorus. I actually have no idea what it’s about, but I like it and the music video so I hope you enjoy it.

So the other day I found out that my high school boyfriend knocked up his girlfriend. That sounds weird out loud. I met him when I was 16 and we dated on and off again and then when I turned 18 it became more serious. Our relationship ended when I turned 19 and that was that. We talked a bit over the years but we were never really “friends”. Can one really be friends with an ex? Anyway, so the girl he dated after me didn’t last very long and I have no idea how long he’s been in a relationship with his current girlfriend but I’m assuming he’s happy. I’m not bothered by this I’m just really shocked. Not by his ability to impregnate just by the idea of him having a child and becoming a father. It’ s just so weird. 0.0 So much time has passed and the boy I knew is long gone. I haven’t spoken to him in ages but we aren’t on bad terms. He was my first boyfriend, the first boy I ever kissed, ect. ect. It’s weird but I’m happy that he’s happy and I wish him and his growing family all the best.

So over at Lazy Explorers, Chloe is hosting an amazing blog hop along with three other great bloggers.  Click the banner above to get to the main the entry and check it out yourself. I’ve already found a bunch of great bloggers thanks to this.

Well I’m exhausted and I have no idea what I’m still doing up. Good morning/night. :3

Thanks for reading.

In Between Gay Orgies and Proud Mexicans

So this past week was pretty busy. A perfect week to end a perfect Birthmonth. That’s right, I pretty much celebrated my birthday all month. XD

Last Monday, I went with a friend and had the chance to hear Junot Diaz read from his newest book, This is How You Lose Her. A collection of breakup stories. He was wonderful, I never thought much about an authors ability to speak in front of an audience. It totally makes you want to read their writing more if they are great speakers. And I never thought about even getting a chance to meet an author. But that is one of the good things about living in Houston. I’ve had the chance to meet several different authors since moving here and it has been amazing. My friend and I stood in line for about 2 hours to get Diaz to sign our books. He was just so friendly and adorable, a lot shorter than I thought too.  I really wish I was able to buy his new book but that will have to wait. My too read list is much too long at the moment and have absolutely no time to read what I want to read. Moving along to Wednesday, Mija took me to see Beauty and The Beast the musical. It was so amazing! Like I’ve mentioned before, this is my favorite Disney movie and it was such a huge part of my childhood. To be able to see it as an adult it was just a wonderful experience and I can’t thank my sister enough for doing this for me.

Instagram Pics

  1. Glitter Chucks: These are my bridesmaid shoes. Yes, they are freaking awesome.
  2. Junot Diaz autograph
  3. Beauty and The Beast Playbill and ticket. Totally framed it. >.<

Continuing on with the rest of the week, Thursday night I went to Poison Girl for the end of the month Poison Pen (reading series) and had a blast with friends. I always have such a great time at this bar and had just the one drink this time. ;P  Friday, I spent the day with my sisters and bro. We walked around the Galleria and played an exciting game of, I Spy the quinceañera dress. Let’s just say it wasn’t very hard to spot them. -.-  Saturday, we met up with some friends at the bowling alley and then went out for pizza. It was a great night filled with a lot of laughing and nerd talk. I love hanging out with people who are just as nerdy as I am. :3

So I was doing my daily blog browsing and discovered this. This is Willie Nelson. I wrote a short story about him over at Joy’s blog and she totally illustrated it. How freaking adorable is that? I love her blog. :3 You should totally go and leave a character description or story for her to illustrate. She is super talented. Thanks again Joy.

Today’s song,  Right as Rain by Adele. This is the only song of hers that I really like listening to.  Ok, I’m off to finish reading about orgies and Mexicans before going to bed. (Hence the title)[audio:|titles=RightAsRain-Onesongfavs]

Thanks for reading.


Kellie Winnell over at Give a Girl a Blog just updated her blog with a great post and I’ve decided to snag the idea. :3

Loving :  There a ton of things that I am loving at the moment. One thing being the people in my life. Time with friends and family is just so important to me. I mean there isn’t more I can say besides how lucky I am.

Reading : Due to my two lit classes I have a lot of required reading to get through before actually having a chance to read something I want to. Most of them I can read pretty fast, but sometimes I’m just not  in the mood to read and I’d rather just play video games. I am now starting my second book for my Mexican Lit class entitled Bless me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. Only on chapter four so can’t say if I like or not.

Watching : Just finished watching the first season of Tales of the City. I had to read the book for my G&L lit class so I decided to watch the series as well. Pretty good.

Thinking about : Homework. I have two tests coming up. I have horrible test anxiety so I’m hoping things go well. And the deadline for my first paper is coming up at the start of October and I’m actually having problems with finding a topic. -.-

Looking forward to : Actually looking forward to next week. I have Junot Diaz reading on Monday and then Beauty and The Beast musical on Wednesday and possibly a Poison Pen reading on Thursday.

Not looking forward to : TESTS AND DEADLINES!!! -.-

Listening to : I’m actually listening to Fallin’ by Connie Francis. It’s featured on the new Target commercial and I just can’t get it out of my head. I’m putting this song on my sexy song list. That’s right. I have a list of songs that sound sexy to me.



And since this post lacks pictures, here are several instagram photos from the past few days.

  1. Sushi for dinner!!! :9
  2. My free birthday scoop at B&R
  3. Közi can now be outside. Bad thing is, he’s gotten used to being in doors and wants to come in more frequently than he used to.
  4. My best friend had her second child on the 15th. Her name is Lexie, she’s so tiny and so freaking adorable.
  5. I had lunch with another friend and she crocheted me some flowers. I’m usually on the giving side of handmade gifts so this is my first time receiving a handmade gift. All I can say is that it’s a nice feeling and I hope others feel that way when I give them something I have made.
  6. Yesterday, I missed my bus so I decided to take the train instead of waiting for the next bus. I won’t be doing that very often, even though the train is so much more fun to take than the bus. >.<

Thanks for reading.






So something strange happened on Monday. I was asked for my number. I was thrown off but talk about an ego boost. Is that a terrible thing to say? >.<

While on my way to school the bus driver decides to stop in front of Luby’s. -.- Amazed by this I turn to the person seated next to me and ask,”Is he stopping to get food?” The bus dude just laughs and shrugs. Then I say,”Ohhh potty break.” I replace my headphones in my ear, I stay plugged into my ipod while riding the bus. But then the bus dude says,”I had a driver stop every now and then to read his book.” I was ready to go back to my music never expecting the bus dude to actually speak. He then asks me what my book is about. So I tell him about my book, Mexican Enough by Stephanie Elizondo Griest. We then start talking about school and being Mexican. XD He attends TSU, but will be transferring to UH next semester. … continue reading this entry.

BirthMonth- 23

As always, my birthday was a blast. I didn’t think there was any way to out do last year’s Star Wars exhibit. But boy was I wrong. I was born on September 11, 1989 at 3:something p.m. XD

My family completely surprised me this past weekend and came to Houston to take me out to dinner. They bought me balloons, donuts and peanut M&M’s. I wasn’t expecting anything and they just went above and beyond. I had no idea. One of the bigger surprises was the gift Jody and Mija bought me. Not only is Mija taking me to see the musical Beauty and the Beast but they bought us each a 3DS. I’m obsessed with my DSlite and never even thought of upgrading to the 3Ds, not until it became obsolete anyway. So this completely blew my mind. Jody got the new 3DSxl, and the screen is HUGE! My sister’s and I each got the first edition and I’m already obsessed with it.  We only have Mario Kart 7 but it is so freaking cool. I’m actually not a fan of the 3D feature, which I know defeats the main purpose of the upgrade. But that’s not the only cool new upgrade. I love the streetpass feature. I take it with me when I go to school and I usually pass someone with one on campus. I’ve only had four people, but that is pretty awesome. Of course now every time I pass someone I think to myself, I wonder who has a 3DS? I’m determined to get those puzzle pieces!! XD This month has just been amazing, so much has happened and is happening and I’m just loving every minute of every day. So this is what I wore, I actually really love this outfit and I’ve worn so many different variations of this outfit but I never get tired of it. I always feel confident when I wear it, so I thought this would be the perfect outfit to wear on my birthday. When I got home I ended my birthday with Mija and Jody. They bought me Potbelly and a cake and sang happy birthday to me. This year’s birthday was just surprise after surprise. It reminded me how lucky I am to have my family. They are just the best!

Tomorrow, (later today I mean) I’m going to a reading that is being held on campus. ZZ Packer will be one of the authors giving a reading. Apparently she is teaching on campus this semester. Had no idea. So I thought since I’m going through creative writing withdrawals I should attend as many reading events as I can. And this one is on campus and I’ll be there anyway so why not? It’s starts at 5:30 and my class ends at 5:15 so I should be able to go.  And then Thursday I’m having dinner with my friend Liz, I’m excited I haven’t seen her since May.

Well I hope everyone is having a great week. 😀

Thanks so much for reading.



First I want to share another giveaway!!! Again hosted by the wonderful Kellie Winnell. She is just so awesome.

Good luck to everyone who enters. But I’m really hoping to win this for Mija. XD

Ok now on to the update. So school has been going well so far. I’ve managed to stay caught up on all of my reading assignments. Hopefully I can keep it up. The books I’ve been reading for my lit classes have been pretty interesting. But that means that I have to put any other books that I’ve been wanting to read on hold until I find some time to read for fun. Also my birthday is this Tuesday (yes I was born on 9-11. If you have any annoying jokes about that then please keep them to yourself.) and I’m 23! I don’t have plans on the day but I have a bunch of other things planned for the rest of this month. There’s a reading on Wednesday at 5:30 (the 12th) that I might attend. It’s on campus so I thought since I’m there might as well check it out. The only problem with that is going home too late. I hate taking the bus when it’s dark but it might be ok. We shall see. Then I have the Junot Diaz reading on the 24th to attend, I cannot wait for that I’m excited to get my book signed by him. Then on the 26th I have my Birthday present, Mija is taking me to see Beauty and The Beast on Broadway. >.< So excited!!! Beauty and The Beast is my favorite Disney movie/fairy tale story so seeing it on stage is just beyond amazing.  And then maybe going to Poison Girl for a reading the day after that…not sure about that. I cannot wait until it starts getting colder. I’m tired of sweating buckets before I even get to the bus stop. I guess if I didn’t dress in so many layers I wouldn’t be having this problem. But I can’t help it. I like layers. The cutest outfits are in layers. Speaking of outfits I really need to start documenting my outfits again so I know which combination I’ve worn and on what day. Need to alternate. XD Sadly, there probably won’t be any cold weather until January. I’m totally not kidding. Ok maybe a little bit. But it usually takes forever for it to get cold. You would think after living in Texas for 23 years I would have accepted the weather by now. But no. I haven’t. I’ve been dying to wear my new blazer that Kat got me for my birthday.  I had no idea that she had gotten me a gift. She’s horrible at keeping things a surprise but then again I’m no better. >.<

Have any awesome plans this month or this year? :3 Also Mija’s wedding is next month! Can’t believe how fast time has gone by. >.< This wedding is going to be amazing. Song of the day Hold On by MoZella. I love it! [audio:|titles=HoldOn-MoZella]


Thanks for reading.

Boy Poison

“-a boy’s kisses were like a poison which infected you and after exposure you craved more, like an addict.”

I love this line. Susan Minot is exactly the type of writer I would want to be…if I planned on becoming an author that is. I’ve pretty much finished taking all of the creative writing courses I can take at UH but I just recently figured out the type of writing I enjoy writing most. The whole coming of age/growing in some way/figuring out who you are as a person type of stories. I mean most of the stories I wrote were basically that but I didn’t noticed until this past semester. I’ve read Minot’s work before it just never sunk in until now. She has become one of my favorite authors now. And Rapture was a great read.  Now that classes have started I don’t really have time to read the books I want to read. I’m taking two lit classes this semester and I have a lot of reading to do. (I should be reading right now)So yeah the first week of classes went well. I like my teachers and the class times are great. I take two buses to get to campus and I arrive with plenty of time to catch my breath and cool down. It is very hot right now and I cannot wait until winter.

On to my social life!!! Yup I have one. 😉 This past Thursday I went to the first Poison Pen reading series of the semester. It is held at the bar Poison Girl- if you’re ever in Houston you should totally check it out. Great bar. Anyway, so I don’t usually drink and if I do I usually just have one. But that night I had two.  I mean why not? Vodka soda and a vodka cranberry. I think from now on I’ll order the cranberry because it was pretty good. But I think if I do drink I will stick to having one. Because after that second drink I was definitely tipsy. I mean really tipsy. Not drunk but I’m sure if I had a third I probably would have been. I’ve only ever had one drink and I would feel a slight buzz after the one but this time my head was spinning. When I drink I become way more social and friendly. I’m sure this happens to everyone. It’s not called liquid courage for nothing. When I went to get my second drink I just started talking to whoever was at the bar. And I’m not usually that friendly, but I had a lot of fun. I was surrounded by former classmates and we just kept talking and laughing. It was a blast. I ended the night with a friend at Whataburger, we just kept laughing and made plans to hang out again. When I got home, didn’t drive home so no worries, the sibs were totally laughing at how tipsy I was. Now I will never hear the end of it. I couldn’t even unlock the back door. How sad is that? I’m such a lightweight. So yeah only one drink from now on. I don’t intend to drink every time and these readings only happen on the last Thursday of every month, so it won’t be something I do often. Once in awhile it’s nice just to have fun and laugh with friends and venture out of my comfort zone. Besides I’ve been wanting to try a vodka cranberry for awhile now. What can I say, I’m a chick and I like the fruity drinks. XD  Oh it’s September first, My birthday month!!! I’m turning 23 on the 11th and I have a bunch of stuff happening this month.

Song of the day Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
How was your first week of classes, 0r your week in general? Visit any bars lately? XD
Thanks for reading.

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