Inside Kimmy's Mind

Update on Közi

So we brought him home on Friday!! And he is doing much better now that he is.

So we picked him up at 7:30 am. We waited while they finished with the paper work and then finally we were escorted to a room where the nurse talked about how he hasn’t been eating and that if he doesn’t eat by Saturday then we would have to bring him so they could force feed him. If he doesn’t he it could result in liver failure. >.< So it is quite serious. She asked one of us to come and retrieve him because he was still being very aggressive to the doctors/nurses and she wasn’t his favorite person. So I volunteered and followed her to the back. She tried to corner him in his kennel and was hoping to force him into his carrier. He started growling and hissing at her and retreated further into the corner of the kennel. She sighed and got up to look for the kitty gloves. So after she walked away, I decided to give a more delicate approach. I kneeled down and called his name. He immediately perked up and came to the front of the kennel. I kept talking to him and petting his head. I put the carrier in front of him hoping he would get in on his own. He kept trying to go around it to get to me. It was the cutest thing in the world. He recognized me and knew that I meant home. I rubbed his chin and he rested his head on my hand. It was as if he was saying, “I know you. Please take me home.” My heart melted when I saw the the look on his face. He doesn’t really have expressions but right then and then he did. I tried putting the carrier in front of him again and he finally understood what I wanted him to do. He started going into the carrier himself but was having trouble. I didn’t want to touch his backside because I didn’t want to hurt or alarm him. So I pulled him by his upper body and slowly slid him inside. I thought he would have put up more of a fight but he knew I was there to take him home. The nurse came back with the gloves and said, “Oh he loves you.” I’m sure she was just glad that she didn’t have to touch him. Not sure if Közi scratched or bit any of the nurses he’s never used his claws on humans before so I’d be surprised if he did. I rejoined my father and sister and the nurse then gave us instructions and his medication. The ride home took awhile but he slept most of the way. Once we got home he came out of the carrier and started walking around the house. Even though he spent most of his days outside we occasionally brought him inside and he would snuggle with who ever was around. We prepared a corner for him and tried feeding him. He ate a few pieces of kibble and then a bit of ham but still it wasn’t enough. He has to stay inside for the next couple of weeks so I went with my mother to buy a litter box and a kennel so we can make sure he won’t get into anything while everyone is sleeping. He has to use special paper like litter because the other kind might irritate his wounds.

Oh I guess I should mention that I still had my road test to take that day and….I PASSED!!! I officially have my license. Now if only I could already be an excellent driver. -.- If only I could get rid of my fear of driving in Houston.

Mija and I had to return to Houston that same day. I felt bad leaving Kat with the responsibility of taking care of  Közi but I’m happy to report that he did much better Saturday. He ate more and he used the restroom. He even sleeps in his kennel. He is such a well behaved cat, I’m sure he was only aggressive at the hospital because he was unhappy and in pain. Once he was in a familiar place he was able to relax because he knew he was safe. I’m just glad he is eating. I love this cat!!! In 14 days we do have to take him back so they can take out the sutures. I didn’t want to have to take him before we had to. 

So before the incident I had filmed and was editing a haul video. I finally finished it up today and now can upload and share it. I tried not to make it too long but that is hard to do when it comes to hauls. Classes start on Monday and I am excited. I’m also excited to hang out with friends Thursday night. I will be going to Poison Girl for the Poison Pen reading series. I haven’t been able to attend all summer so I’m happy that there is one the first week of classes. Monday and Wednesday I have one class from 4 to 5:30 and then Tuesday and Thursdays I have two. One class starts and 1 and finishes at 2:30 and then the second one is also from 4 to 5:30. I’m happy that I have time available for my internship. I’m attending the meeting this coming Wednesday. I will be meeting the new editors so I’m a bit nervous. But hopefully my past experience with the journal will help me snag a spot on the team. 😀

Thanks so much for the kind comments in my last post. I really appreciate them and I’m so glad that you understood where I was coming from. I hope everyone is well, and if you’re going back to school what is something that you look forward to a new school year? And if you are not in school, then what is something you are looking forward to this week?

Thanks for reading. <3


Közi is the sweetest cat in the world. We’ve had him for about 6 years and he just fit right in with us.. He’s a fatty but a gentle giant. Unlike the diva Misto, Közi has never been aggressive towards us. He’s just a really great cat and I love him to pieces.

Disclaimer: What I write from this point on is just me venting and I apologize to any dog owners.

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Snail Mail

Believe me when I say I enjoy living in the digital world. I do. I love that I can send someone a message via the internet, but that doesn’t mean I do not enjoy sending/receiving normal cards and letters.

I joined a few pen pal groups, hopefully these work out. The last time I joined a pen pal swap none of my assigned pals ever replied to my letters. I didn’t want my letters to make them feel obligated but I guess it was too much for them to keep up with. I mean I know sending things via mail can be hard to keep up with. I used to swap a notebook back and forth with my best friend but I haven’t sent it back to her in awhile. Now that I think of it it was sort of like a SMASH* book. We would write, doodle and smash stuff in it.  I’m planning on sending her more letters, I miss her.  Oh some exciting news, so there was this blog hop, with amazing prizes, and I won one of them. I will have my very own Amy TangerineThe Little Things Day Book. I’m just so excited, I’ve never won anything before. So again a thank you to Kellie for hosting such an awesome blog hop. I love her blog.  Continuing on with mail, my swapbot deadline is coming up next week and I finally finished gathering my 5 items to send to my partner. Each item has to be something she can use when smashing so I’m hoping she likes the items I’ve chosen for her. The other is a card I made for a SMASH*aholics pen pal. I had a lot of fun making it. I got to use my new typewriter stamp. I love it!  I really love stamps and on my last visit to Hobby Lobby they had a bunch of new stamps. I’m hoping to send these out sometime this week. Speaking of this week it’s my last week off. Classes start next Monday, and I’m not exactly looking forward to getting back on schedule. -.- I’m already having problems with this semester and financial aid which I hope to clear up in the morning. Also Friday is the dreaded road test!!! I’m still as terrified as ever. I really wish I could have practiced parallel parking some more. Blasted  parallel parking! I’m trying to be calm about the whole thing, I mean I’ve talked about getting my license and always blamed my parents for not getting it sooner. I just have bad test anxiety and the fear of failing doesn’t help. The other day my 16 year old cousin got her license so that should motivate me to do my best on Friday. I can do this! I know I can, I’ve been driving for awhile now and I should hurry up and just make it legal now.  No more excuses.

Today’s song is Polaroid by Skyler Stonestreet

I love this song, I’ve been obsessed with taking pictures with my instax and then I found this song and I can’t stop listening to it. It features the newest Fuji digital Polaroid camera in the video. 

So have you’ve you ever had a pen pal before? If so, how long did you trade back letters? Do you prefer the convenience of email or text messaging? Let me know. :3

Look forward to a new haul video sometime this week. Thanks for reading. :3


This past weekend my family and I went to New Orleans. I meant to post an entry about me leaving but I just never got around to publishing it. And now I’m back so that entry is not necessary.

The blog post I meant to post mentioned how I had planned to take loads of pictures and video. I didn’t exactly do any of that. We got in Friday night so there wasn’t really any photo ops. Then Saturday it was rainy and I didn’t feel like taking pictures. -.- The rain made me sleepy. We spent the day at The National WWII Museum. It was amazing, we watched this video narrated by Tom Hanks. It was a really great experience, if you are ever in New Orleans then I suggest you partake in that experience. Lucky for instagram otherwise I wouldn’t have any pictures at all. I only updated a few times over the weekend. I feel really bummed that I didn’t even take any instax pictures. I dunno why I didn’t take any pictures. Hopefully the next time we travel I pull out the camera and actually document my trip. Mija and Kat took a few instagrams as well but not as much as we should have.

  1. One of the many road signs we saw.
  2. The bed Kat and I slept in at the Holiday Inn. Such great pillows. >.<
  3. Air craft from the museum. Totally forgot what it’s called. -.-
  4. Where we stopped to get gas on our way home. We still had ways to go.

Here is my instagram from the weekend. I had a lot of fun spending time with Jody‘s family but I’m happy to be home. Texas get’s a lot of crap but I actually love living in Texas, doesn’t mean I dislike visiting other states. It’s a lot of fun. I bought a New Orleans post card to put in my smash book along with the pictures above and a few other items from the war museum. So I’m excited to get that smash page started.

Song of the day: Celebrate by Mika. I love Mika he’s too cute. This song makes me want to get up and dance. I’m in a great mood and couldn’t be happier. So have you ever gone on a trip and forgot to take any pictures?

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and has an awesome week. Thanks for reading. 😀

Bad and Good

So let’s start with the bad/sad news. Remember the kitty I posted a video about in an earlier post. Click here if you don’t. Well anyway today Kat found him in our garage and noticed something was wrong with him. We aren’t sure what happened to him, he was doing fine. I went to see for myself and I wish I hadn’t. He couldn’t walk, he soiled himself and made no sound. He was dying. Seeing him this way was just heartbreaking. I couldn’t help but burst into tears. I know we didn’t have him long enough for us to actually consider him our cat, but I already saw him as part of the family. It was hard not to grow attached to Willow, with his dinosaur meow and constant need for attention. He was already ours. I had hope to see him get fat and healthy but sadly that won’t happen. My dad had to call animal control to come and get him out of the garage and put him to sleep. It just makes me really sad that we couldn’t save him. I really wish I knew what happened and what caused his condition to worsen. This is the first time I have witnessed a dying pet. I can’t imagine how I will feel when I lose one of my older cats. Goodbye Willow, I’m glad you aren’t suffering any longer.

Sorry for depressing you. To make up for that I want to share with you some good news. Here is an awesome giveaway. I know this might not be the time to mention a giveaway but I’d rather think of something fun. So what’s more fun than the chance of winning free stuff? Click the picture and find out how you can enter to win a Instax mini 25. I totally entered hoping to win this camera for Mija. Good luck to all. :3

Thanks for reading.

Several Things…

Movies!!– “I was such an asshole five years ago.” –Happythankyoumoreplease

The quote above is from the movie that I linked. It was really good by the way…just saying.

I guess if a person were to say this it would mean he/she considers themselves an asshole. Anyone can be an asshole, it could be by accident or on purpose. Whether it was an evil look you gave someone, a rude comment you said loud enough for someone to hear, or maybe it was the heart you broke due to lies and poor excuses.  Asshole does not just describe a specific gender or race. It can refer to anyone. This isn’t really about the movie itself, I just liked the scene this quote appeared in and it inspired this random thought. What do you think makes someone an asshole?

Parallel Parking sucks!!! So I had my road test scheduled for last Friday but it didn’t happen. I thought everything was in order but a mistake was made and they wouldn’t let me take my test so I had to reschedule. I know I should be happy about the reschedule because I was able to practice on my parallel parking. I can’t believe I was planning on taking the test without practicing. I now take my road test on August 24th. The worry continues. -.-  Books!!- The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I’ve been looking for this book for awhile and they finally got it at Hastings. The only copy!!!! Sadly I had to walk away without buying it. -.- I will read it eventually, speaking of my to read list I have a guest post over here. If you’re interested in writing a guest post then check out Joslin’s blog. Instax Mini- So my case for my instax came in. Mija says it looks like some type of bondage mask. She’s a weird one. XD I like it, and it keeps my camera safe. However, there is one thing that sucks about it. The whole point of this case was that I can take pictures with the camera in it. But in door pictures either come come out completely black or cloudy. I think the case blogs the flash a bit. -.- It’s a shame but I just have to adjust. I wanted something to hold my camera and keep it safe, plus it’s nice because I can wear it like a purse and won’t have the added weight of the camera in my actual purse. It can just hang above it. So all in all I’m still happy with it.

More SMASH*- So I created a board on Pinterest for SMASH book ideas and inspiration. I’m really loving this way of scrapbooking. I’m out of film but this is also the perfect place to put all of my Polaroid pictures. I almost done with my second page. I started in the beginning thinking that’s how books are supposed to be, but then realized I don’t have to smash that way. (If I were to say that to someone who had no idea what SMASH books were, they would probably imagine something gross. I guess I’m gross for thinking this in the first place. XD) Getting back on topic here, I figured why not start another page towards the end of the book? So now I’m starting my third page, I’ll show you once it’s finished. My first page is about my pets. They were the first to be photographed once I got my instax. The second page (not complete yet) next to that one features my backyard. It is so gorgeous in the summer. I don’t like going outside because it’s so hot but it doesn’t mean I don’t/can’t admire it. I intend to add more pictures of the trees. They get huge during this time and the flowers that bloom on them are just amazing. I might even film an outfit of the day, if I can get Kat to help me out. It just gets unbearable in this heat to be outside, add mosquitoes and I give up. Got some more SMASH goodies. I’m excited to finish up my third page. It’s a hobbies page, I think I will have the most fun SMASHing this page. I have a lot of hobbies so I’m using two pages for this theme. I don’t know why I find something as simple as this exciting. XD

I’m curious, what is something that honestly makes you happy?

Thanks for reading.



So I’ve received  my first SMASH Book*. I was going to save it for my next haul video but I couldn’t wait to share. Doesn’t mean I can’t include it in a video next month or whenever I do a haul again. :3

So I have the Eco Green Book, Kat has the Pretty Pink Book and Mija has the Retro Blue Book. I’ve already started SMASHing my first pages. But I’m a little hesitant, I know there is no wrong or right way. But still it doesn’t stop me from over thinking things. I’ve only started to decorate the corners. I think I’ll get the hang of it eventually, I just need to stop being so timid. I mean the whole point is to be fearless and just go with it right? Right. It’s supposed to be fun and maybe I started it on a night when I didn’t have many things to SMASH. I am just getting started and I am already in love with it. Yes it is basically a scrapbook but something about this SMASH book just screams more fun. Or better than the regular fun scrapbooking brings. Does that make sense? Not that scrapbooking is below this or anything. I envy the scrapbookers who can take any book and transform it into something amazing. When it comes to this I need a helping hand and that is what the pages in these books give me. The pages are sort of decorated for you and you just embellish and add things to it. So I’m really happy these books exist. I first noticed them back when my sister Mija worked at the lovely store Paper Source. They were hot items and constantly being sold out. They first branched out to arts and craft stores and then recently I noticed them appearing in regular stores such as Randall’s, Walmart and Target. What luck! I’m thinking of making it for ideas and inspiration. I totally wish I had started this project in the beginning of the Summer that way I would have had more time with it. But summer class would have gotten in the way. I hope this fall semester allows me time to be creative. I’m not taking any creative writing classes this semester so I’m going to to through withdrawals if I don’t have something to entertain me.

Quick announcement: I Kim am finally taking the last step to getting my driver’s license. -.- Yup I’m 22 and still haven’t gotten my license. But hopefully that will all change this Friday. If I pass the road test. I’m nervous as hell. I don’t do well on tests. Horrible test anxiety. >.< Wish me luck.

Pet History

Oh I also wanted to mention that my parents somehow got another cat. We named him Willow and he is a whiny chi chi baby just like their old man cat Mr. We got our first cat Mr. back in 2000. I was 10? And he was a bitch. -.- I kid you not. He still sort of is, but now his bitchiness is due to jealousy. He doesn’t like sharing my parents with anyone cat or person. He’s had to get used to two cats since he’s been with us. Nao was our second cat. He was great the perfect lap/pillow. He disappeared one day and never found out what happened to him. I like to think someone picked him up and he’s living with a wonderful family right now. Our third cat is Kozi, he is strange. The only reason he works so well with Mister is because he stays away from him. Kozi always looks like he’s had a few too many shrooms or something. They both stay away from the new kitty. Mr. is the only one who starts shit but Willow is not completely innocent. He’s still recovering, I hope when he’s healthy again he doesn’t fight with our other cats because then we will probably have to find another home for him.


I’m sure I’ve asked the pet question before, but if you have more than one do they get along? And if you don’t have any pets, what kind of pet would you want? In a magical world I would want something that can fly so I wouldn’t have to drive.

Backlog and Bandwagon?

I have so many blog drafts just waiting to be finished. But then I wait too long to publish it and something else happens. These are serious problems here. I mean really. -.-

This is the first time I actually have a summer vacation. My summer semester has ended so now I can relax before classes at UH start. Summer is going by super fast though and I’ve been having a blast. (Do people still say blast?) My mom is not ready to send me back to Houston just yet. The other day she told me that she’s not letting me go back until I absolutely have to. And I don’t start classes until the 27th of August? And since I have all of this time, all I have been doing is watching youtube videos, reading (a lot), sewing (nothing is coming out they way I want it to), and shopping. Now besides the normal vlogs I usually watch, I have actually started subscribing to a few channels that do the ever trendy outfit of the day/haul/monthly favorites videos. Some may see these types of videos as showing off. But I see these videos as being actually helpful. They show case new products from popular stores and they put you in a shopping mood. That might not always be a good thing though.  Anyway, now I don’t shop very often and I don’t wear make up but these videos make me want to be more feminine. Being female is awesome so I should embrace  that right? I’m not wanting to change who I am because I like being me. But I do think it would be fun to start doing a favorites blog entry/vlog every now and then. I used to update my blog with daily outfit posts, but I pretty much posted a picture of every outfit combination I have. Like I said I don’t shop very often and if I do it’s mostly books or fabric. But I’ve been buying a few items here and there this summer so I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and see how it goes. Editing takes a lot of time because my camera poops out a codex that premiere doesn’t seem to like. So editing is a complicated process that just makes me sleepy. But I’m going to try it anyway. We shall see what happens. The picture to the left is just some things that I didn’t mention in my haul video, oh and I’m starting to get the hang of styling my hair. If you watch the video below you will notice that I can now wear my bangs down. I’m happy!

What do you think of my first haul video? I’m still working on camera angles and I’m not an expert on video editing at all but I’ll work on it. :3 Is there certain types of videos you watch on youtube?


Crushes: A Brief History

I’ve had a ton of drafts waiting to be finished and published on my blog. But other things just kept getting in the way. So prepare to be bombarded with random posts.

After thinking about my celebrity crushes it made me think about my real life crushes.  As a kid,  it didn’t take much for me to like a boy, What can I say? I was a sucker for anyone who watched Power Rangers and X-men.

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Crushes: Male Celebrities

So I have my favorite actors and musicians, here are the ones I have huge crushes on.

  • Alexander Skarsgård: Eric from Trueblood!! I’ve had a huge crush on him since the second season of the show. How hot is he? I have a thing for the tall and broad shouldered. XD
  • Joe Manganiello: Also from Trueblood, he plays Alcide. However, I only have a crush on him as this character. Whenever he doesn’t have a beard he isn’t as hot. And I never thought much about facial hair either. But it makes a difference on him. Now I’m not a fan of muscles. I’m really not, but damn…need I say more? (Notice how he’s the only one shirtless? I just couldn’t help myself. >.<)
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt: I absolutely adore him as an actor. And I love the HitRecord stuff he does, it just makes me crush on him more.


  • Adrien Brody: I really do not like it when he is buff. He just looks odd. I’m more into the lanky guy who looks amazing in suspenders. Which brings me to the next crush.
  • Mika: I believe he is gay, but I can’t remember if he’s ever specified. But I do not care. I love him!!! So adorable!!! >.< One of my favorite videos can be found here. *suspenders!!! Eeek!* Love it.
  • Liam Neeson: He is amazing. I LOVE him. He is just so classy. I don’t care how old he gets. He just gets more attractive with age. <3

Celebrity crushes are fun. But they are just for fun. I don’t dream about dating any of them. They aren’t what I want in reality. However, Joseph is pretty close to a guy I would totally date in real life. Not just in looks but in personality. Not that I KNOW him. But from what he does outside of making movies I could totally date someone like him. Creative, inspiring and freaking adorable. How nice.  But these crushes are just fun to admire and drool over.

 Who are your celebrity crushes? Would you date them?

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