Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » March

Archive for March, 2009


“Droplets of Comfort”

A t-shirt, worn merely for comfort.

Worn for fun, with no sentimental attachment.

I have no need for aprons, just a million paint brushes.

I painted a picture whilst wearing this t-shirt.

And several drops of paint found its way on the unsuspecting party.

And no matter how many times it is washed, these spots of paint will never be removed.

Its own personal battle scars from a war it has won?

Perhaps lost?

No blood was spilled, just a few beads of paint.

These drops of paint have become apart of it.

Like they have always been there.

We both know it is merely a t-shirt.

Worn only for comfort.

Amazing what lack of sleep does to a person, such as myself.

The Song You Sing Gives Me Vertigo

First discovery-Odd: Two mini vanilla ice cream cups stuck together. This is how I found them. I didn’t feel the sudden urge to take two ice cream cups and then proceed to smash them together and get some form of happiness. No I am happy because I love finding odd things such as this. I mean I’m not saying that my life is now complete, I’m just saying this brought a smile to my face. Follow by a little annoyance. Yes I am hypocritical. After I removed this discovery from the freezer, I made some effort to find out why it is like this. I later discovered that the bottom ice cream cup has no lid…..interesting. How could it not have a lid? I also found that there were others similar to this yet they were merely open a bit, yet they all had their own lids. Yes, I have made more effort than I should be. I then sat down and ate these two ice cream cups. Yes I am weird. Do not judge me.

Second discovery- More like I happened upon it: Now I’m not sure if you have had the chance to see these adorable chip commercials but you must. The one you need to see for sure is this one. I love this song.

Its by Anya Marina I think its entitled “Vertigo”

Besides liking the song of this commercial, I found the commercial itself most entertaining. Commercials similar to these make interrupting my tv show worth while. This and this, oh and this. Don’t forget click this too.These are the only ones I have had the chance to see. But I think they are cute.

Fascinating is it not?


The Other Day

So Thursday, Mija took Kat and I to a Japaneses restaurant called Blue Fish, if I’m not mistaken. I have eaten sushi and chicken teriyaki before but not like this. It was delicious. I don’t usually like eating food that is uncooked like in sushi. But this avocado crap roll was ok. If you have eaten sushi before and you are not used to it, you know that its texture is…interesting. I’m not quite used to it. But I ate two and it was good. Kat only ate one she did not like it. lol. She made a face after putting it into her mouth and everything. You could tell she wasn’t too happy that she had to swallow it as well. But she did and I am proud that she didn’t spit it into her napkin.  Its strange because Mija hates seafood. She hates a lot of things. And I would never have thought she would be the one introducing us to different foods to broaden our food pallet. lol. But yeah she did. I also ate chicken teriyaki. It was so good. I pretty much love chicken any way you can prepare it. Kat had the pork teriyaki and Mija had beef. I wasn’t too keen on the pork  but the beef was good. It seemed like such a small portion but it filled us up. I hadn’t eaten any lunch only a few muffins so I was extremely hungry. But after chicken and sushi I was satisfied and didn’t anything after that.

I am behind a day in my chapters for Dooms Day Book but I don’t care. I will read as much as I can, and just bullshit it if I have to on Monday. Its really boring to me.  -_-

Fucking Cute

Part One: I hate that once I find something that is extremely cute in a store. I am bombarded by the fear that it will not be there when I return to that store. Sigh. I mean it takes me a long time to decided to buy something. I never have money. Therefore, when I do have money I like to make sure that I use whatever it is that I buy. Or if its a book I will read it. The other day I went to the Galleria with my sisters and we went into the Sanrio store aka Hello Kitty store. Now I wasn’t planning on buying anything from this store, because they are ridiculously over priced. -_- Kat had already decided on purchasing a bento draw string bag and a bento spoon and chopstick set. Freakin cute man. Now I didn’t see anything that I desperately wanted so after Kat bought her items we continued on to the next store. Gadzooks. Now I’m not normally a clothing shopper. I attempted to try on clothes with the idea that I would buy it if I liked it. I just didn’t want anything from that store either. So I was planning on returning to the Sanrio store and purchasing a bento box and fork and spoon set with a bento drawstring bag. (different from Kats of course) Sigh Why am I such an indecisive person? Anyway, I believe I made the comment that went like this, “What do I need a bento for? I don’t have a lunch time.” My sister than replied to me saying, “During the summer you don’t plan on working? You might not have enough time to walk home for lunch.”

DING DING DING DING! – This is true. I plan on having a job. And I might have to pack a lunch.

So at this point I kept pacing back and forth, walking up and down stairs not being able to make up mind. We were heading in the direction to the Disney store (our second favorite store) thinking we might find something there and if not I would return to buy the bento/accessories that went with it. Tsk. I know what a waste of time. Of course the Disney store was moved to another side of the mall and we weren’t exactly sure where. So we headed in the direction we assumed was the right one. During this time I kept going over whether or not I should buy the bento box or not. (Yes I over analyze everything) My sisters said we could always go back because I feared the only bento box of the character that I wanted would not be there upon returning. So I decided on the Sanrio store and I purchased the first things I thought of buying. tsk I know I am crazy. Forgive me. Its a curse. But I finally made up my mind don’t I get points for that? Now I know you might find this sort of thing very childish but I could not help it. It was so fucking cute. I am defenseless with stuff like this. So yeah.

Part Two: I have to finish the Dooms Day Book by Monday. It has 36 chapters. So if I read six chapters a day I will have it finish. I started Tuesday I am on chapter 13 as of now. Now you would think six chapters a day that’s no problem. But let me tell you, it is if you are not interested in the book at all. Now I have tried getting into it, but I just can’t. It just hasn’t hooked me like the books I’d rather be reading at the moment. While I was reading my chapters I had someone who kept distracting me. I cannot ignore the cuteness that is my sister’s cat Tomo. I swear.The story seems like it would be a good one, but for some odd reason I just dislike the way Connie Willis writes. No offense to Connie Willis. I just hope I can finish it in time. I am only on chapter 13 and I’m not sure I can continue. Is spark notes an option? >_<


The Past Always Finds You

Part One: After throwing a lot of stuff from my closet away I found my old CD/tape player. I got it for Christmas years ago, but I remember how excited I was when I did. Every time I bought a CD I would hurry to play it. After I got my ipod mini and a dock for it, I sadly put this in my closet and never thought of it again. Until now. It was sort of breaking before I got the dock but it was faithful in its youth. I didn’t have the heart to throw it away then an I still don’t have the heart to throw it away now. Its funny how things are important. And I mean if you look at the price of cd players now compared to how much they used to be. Its weird. Is that going to happen to mp3 players? I mean Apple keeps bringing out new and better ones but will their price go down that low when their time is up? Thats something to think about.

Part Two: Kat and I are currently spending spring break at my sister’s apartment. And she took us to Borders! I know its dangerous to take me to a book store especially when I still haven’t cracked Dooms Day. -_- I hope I won’t be doomed on Monday. Anyway I didn’t want to buy a book book so instead I bought Neil Gaiman’s graphic novel The Last Temptation. Have I mention that I love him? Anyway, Mija is the one who took it off the shelf when I immediately recognized it. However, I didn’t realize that Alice Cooper contributed to the story. Its based on his record release, The Last Temptation. I should have known it just screams Cooper. Of course I’m not really savvy on his music. The art work is exquisite its done by Michael Zulli if I’m not mistaken. And it is amazing. The showman’s appearance is based on the best showman, Alice Cooper himself. It resembles him from head to toe. I also finally bought the movie Mirror Mask, story also by Neil Gaiman. I really do love him. Well besides buying books and dvds and hearing that someone tried and failed at stealing a magazine I also hurt a complete strangers feelings. But on my behalf I didn’t mean to and I completely understand his current state. And I didn’t mean what I said to sound the way it came out. I am not going to repeat it here because I am trying to make myself feel better. I know I am a horrible person. Now typing is getting hard because my sister’s cat Tomo is in my lap being extremely adorable and I can no longer ignore him. lol

I Digress

I cannot wait for Spring Break!!!!

Part 1:

Its weird when you find something that meant something to you at one point in time and now it is merely a thing that just brings back memories to that specific point. I mean I have a lot of shit in my room. I have had 19 years worth of stuff building up in my room and I can’t always keep track of things that are important to me. I mean I have tons of stuff that remain important to me and you can tell what they are because they are displayed for all to see. (Ok not all. Just everyone that has seen my room) But you know those small little items that are deemed important because of what happened when you got it or because of the person. I mean you don’t actually forget it completely you just had too many new memories that pushed that one in the back of your filing cabinet of memories. I was looking through my closet of no return (Its a black hole with a monster in it. Just like under my bed.) And I found things that I haven’t thought about in a long time. So strange. Aww memory lane sucks. In a way it sort of makes me sad. I mean you know you have regrets and you sometimes say to yourself if only you could just do that part over things would be different. But how do you know they would be any better than they are now? I have regrets. But I’m not sure if things would change for the better if I did certain things differently? Sigh. Weird.

There is this Barbie catalog where you can purchased vintage barbies. I find old toys so interesting.

Part 2:

I am getting annoyed by walking to class. Guys driving by, are assholes. Its annoying when they honk or say something as they drive pass. Plus it scares me. Speaking of hating…don’t you hate it when you are in class/work. And your stomach decides to embarrass you because it hates you. My stomach decided to do that in history the other day. I growled unbelievably loud. And it was never ending. The people next to me kept laughing at me. Hopefully they were laughing because I kept sighing and rubbing my tummy whispering a fuck here and there. It was quite annoying. It never growled this bad before. Stupid demon tummy aura. Now I must continue on studying for math. I have an exam tomorrow I hope I pass it. Please let me pass it. MATH SUCKS!  My stomach is hurting me. Maybe because I don’t sleep enough, that is why my stomach is killing me. I am going to sleep good during the break. I won’t have to worry about things for a week. Well except I do have to read the Doom’s day book. I won’t have that book read in a week. EEK I don’t like it. >_<  Ok back to studying.

Dailyshit-and problems

I have a problem.

And I guess the first step is admitting it. So here I am… admitting it. >_<

I am an online shopaholic. -_-

Now a normal shopaholic buys anything. I on the other hand buy things I need (want). I mostly buy books. I mean it could be a bigger problem? I could be buying useless things. The only problem with me being a book shopaholic is…that my to read list never gets smaller. It is a never ending list. Which isn’t really a bad thing, except for when I get a new book I immediately want to read it. Meaning I ignore whatever book I am already reading. I am currently reading Five books. Four by choice. The fifth one is for my SciFi class and I don’t like it. Dooms Day Book. I just can’t get into and its due in a couple of weeks. Sigh. How am I suppose to read a 578 page book, if I can’t even get past the front cover? (ok that’s a little over the top) But its sort of true. Besides that book, I need to read the short stories for that class as well. Sigh. I want to read what I want to read, not because I have to for a class. Bleh!

Its an interesting addiction no? Being addicted to buying books? lol I just got a book in the mail and I am already ready to buy another one. But I haven’t. So I do have some self control. Now only if I can keep up this control for awhile. I can’t even eat chocolate! T_T I gave it up for lent unintentionally. How? Well dad caught me off guard . Meaning I was half awake? Half asleep? And he conveniently asked me when he was driving me to class. I just said what came to mind- Chocolate? Sigh. Its my fault. Now I can’t eat anything with chocolate until Easter. Woe is me.

I should be sleeping right now but I am as usual up. That’s another problem I have.

Oh if you have a web cam immediately go (here) and make an account and follow me Kimmyduh. You know you want to. I find sites, similar to this one very entertaining. It sort of reminds me of Twitterin away. But only a bit.Well I better sleep. Or I will sleep away tomorrow yet again. So sad.