The Holidays
I don’t know about you but I had a wonderful Christmas holiday.
I got to see Missy last week! She came down for the holidays. Oh and we both cried as soon as we saw each other. I missed her a lot and seeing her just made me so happy. So we talked and talked about anything and everything. We stayed downstairs in the dinning room because Kat had over a friend. A guy friend that annoys the hell out of me. (Sorry Kat, but he is annoying!) Anyway, we stayed downstairs and kept an eye on him the little punk. She should be here for a whole month. I’m so glad!
This year I was more excited for my parents to open their presents then I was to open mine. You see when you’re younger your parents try to make sure you are filled with the anticipation of Christmas morning. And they hope to Bob that you fall asleep while waiting for Santa. My parents always went above and beyond to get us the things we asked for. And would surprise us with more than we asked for at times. But before Christmas was always about us. Mom never really expected anything under the tree for her. So this year we made sure that there were presents for both mom and dad from us. And I couldn’t wait until they opened their gifts. It was like I was waiting to open my own. We wanted to wait until Dad came home from work. They had called him in for over time on Christmas eve and he didn’t get home until 5 am. But that’s a normal time for us to be awake.
So finally we were able to open presents when he got home. So mom and dad opened their gifts from each other. Mom bought dad a TomTom. Dad bought mom the shape up shoes shes been wanting. Then they opened their gifts from us. We bought my dad…get this, we bought him a wii zapper and Call of duty. lol I think its so cool that my parents play video games. We bought my mom NDSL as an early present. Then for her to open on Christmas we bought her a decorative rooster tray. She loves roosters for some reason. lol Then I made my mom a DS pouch, it came out so pretty. I’ll post pictures of it later. Then I made my dad a TomTom case. But I kept messing up on it so it sort of resembled a beer coozie. But he uses it so I’m happy.
So since Christmas I slept late and in and practically laid in front of the fireplace playing with my Ds. I’ve done absolutely nothing since I finished the semester. I’M SO LAZY! Right now I’m at my sister’s apartment spending the week with her. Oh and I will be getting my new cell phone soon! I cannot believe I waited this long? I actually made it? Its surprising. But my prehistoric stand in cells did help a little. Having a cell is better than having no cell at all and its not like I make or receive a lot of calls/texts. But still once you have something in your life its hard to get rid of it. I guess that applies to a lot of things in life.
I’m going to play a bit of Kingdom Hearts before attempting to go to sleep. I will post pictures of things when I get a chance.