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~Blogging for Books~ Punderdome

Punderdome -Puns of Fun!!!

This game was created by a father-daughter team, Jo and Fred Firestone. Their last name sounds like a superhero team if you ask me. The game requires at least 2 people to play but recommend having more than 3. I think playing this game with teams would be really fun and can’t wait to try that out.

First impressions: Excited to play

The game is nicely illustrated and brightly colored which makes it eye-catching. It’s packaged nicely, a place for everything included. The box is small and will fit snugly on a shelf or cabinet, so if you’re short on game storing space, worry not.

Continuing on, this is a game of puns.

That’s right! Puns!!! If you do not like puns, this game will either A)change your mind about them, or B)make you a punmaster! Either way, try it out before you decide against it.

Here are the written instructions:

The objective: Win a Mystery Envelope prize(before playing, the prompter fills Mystery Envelopes with a prize. i.e a candy bar or a dirty napkin) by being the first player/team to obtain ten pairs of cards.

  • First, Prompter draws two cards and reads one Quick Pun question
  • The player who responds quickest with a pun wins 30 extra seconds for the Prompt Round to follow
  • Prompter flips cards, reads Green(situations) and White (topics)
  • Players have 90 seconds to write down a single pun (word/phrase/sentence) that combines both topics and then give to the Prompter
  • Prompter chooses best pun and awards that player that round’s Green and White Cards.
  • The winner becomes the new Prompter- rounds continue until one team/player has ten pairs of cards

According to the game’s inserts, the game Punderdome started as a competition in Brooklyn, New York. The card game was only created in 2015, so it’s still fairly new but the live game show in New York began in 2011. This game requires a sense of humor and cleverness that might surprise you. I think I will enjoy this game much more if I play it with a larger group of friends.

I’m definitely adding this game to future game nights. It’s compact enough for trips out to bars or a friend’s house. I guess it also depends on the type of friends you have. Some might not find this as entertaining, but in my opinion, I think it will convert those skeptics.

*I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Thanks for reading

~Blogging for Books~ The After Party

I’ve been getting into poetry lately, so when I saw this book of poems by Jana Prikryl I decided to give it a try.  Critiquing poems is a bit harder for me to do compared to fiction. The cover was striking, however I couldn’t really get a good reading on what the poems might be about. Not that the cover has to allude to that.

There were a few poems I felt like I could interpret more easily than others, not that a sense of ease is what makes a poem good.  Not at all saying that. I jut feel, that in order to truly appreciate writing, especially poetry, the reader needs to be able to have sense of what is being said and have their own interpretation of the work, even if completely different from the author’s or anyone’s opinion.

The cover of the book is gorgeous, and I love the purple hues, however the poetry is not exactly my cup of tea. But like I said, there were a few that I could say I enjoyed. I just prefer finding that connection.


Sometimes- sometimes we do not go so good
together. We go to school and other
times we change. I, to shake the clods, ignore
the phone; you can’t connect; resulting mood
is glum. What you have to say won’t bother
waiting for an occupied- it rings more and more

till I pick up. What’s up at home?
and similar caulk to plug us from the sea
exchange- what time we woke, who made the tea-
till we run out of talk. Then hold the phone

without a word, just a rustling soothing
box of crackers voice themself, and on
the final crisp you sigh the line has gone
to sleep, and hadn’t we best be moving?

I believe there has to be some type of connection between author and reader, and even though I can sort of form one in this piece above. I personally do not get that connection throughout the entire book. I found it a bit difficult to follow the poems, but Prikryl is a talented writer. However when it comes to poetry, at least for me, I like having this sense of being able to relate to the poems. Gives me a better understanding of the poem. Still, I enjoy trying out genres I don’t normally gravitate towards. It gets me out of my comfort zone and such any reader to try doing that. Sometimes I find it hard and revert back to my typical fiction.

Let me know, what type of genres do you stick with? And if poetry is your thing, let me know why you like it.

*I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Thanks for stopping by

Love of My Life

Above is my May book haul, but I also want to focus on the new love of my life. Vera Rose Robertson, my first niece. I absolutely adore this little baby and I cannot get enough of that new baby smell. She is beyond precious and it’s still really surreal to have her here. Ever since my sister got married, I’ve thought about the day they would have children. But now that, that child is actually here, I can’t believe it.

I knew she would be adorable and I knew that I would love her with all of my heart. But I never stopped to think about how much.  I mean, it’s love, you don’t normally associate an amount with it. It just is.

But I love this tiny person more than I thought was possible.

I also love this transformation that my sister has gone through, first with being pregnant and now as a full-fledged mother. She’s had motherly instincts all along, being the oldest of three girls, she’s watched over me and our younger sister for years. But now she’s the mother of her own child and motherhood agrees with her.

I hope to be as involved with my little Vera Rose as often as I can. Taking on the role of a tia has also changed me, there aren’t many children in my life. Aside from the many children I see when I work as a birthday party coordinator at the museum. Working there as giving me a soft spot for kids, but being an aunt is completely different. Especially, since this is my sister’s baby. I can’t express enough how warm and fuzzy I feel. My heart melts with every smile and fart this little person makes. I can only imagine how I’ll feel when I have a child.

I can’t wait to hold and inhale her tomorrow!!! They weren’t kidding, babies smell so good, new and like the color pink. That’s right, if the color pink had a smell it would be new babies.

Thanks for stopping by

~Blogging for Books~ ARMADA


Armada by Ernest Cline

I feel as though this book might be a bit hard to review.

But first! Here’s a blurb from the back copy:

Zack Lightman has never cared for reality. He vastly prefers the countless science-fiction movies, books and video games he’s spent his life consuming – and too often he catches himself wishing that some fantastic, impossible, world-altering event could arrive to whisk him off on a grand spacefaring adenture.

So when he sees the flying saucer, hes sre his years of escapism have finally tipped over to psychosis. Especially because the alien ships he’s staring at is straight out of his favorite videogame.

I’ve heard a few booktubers claim how this book suffers from second book syndrome. I have yet to read Ready Player One, even though it is on my TBR list, so I can’t say whether or not this book suffers from this syndrome or not, but I did enjoy it. It’s written in the first person and I love that about books. I love being inside the head of the narrator.

Cover: I have the copy shown above, which is the paper pack cover. I was very happy to receive this edition because  I am a lover of paper backs. However, the hardback cover is gorgeous and gives nothing away to the plot of the story. But if you’re familiar with Cline’s writing, then you know he loves video game, sci-fi, and music culture.  I thought the cover above illustrated the book wonderfully. Giving it an Alice in Wonderland aspect. How? The mix of reality and fantasy for Zach, the main character. Who doesn’t fantasize about being in a different reality from time to time.

I can’t really say that you HAVE to enjoy video games or sci-fi to enjoy this book. But I think if you didn’t, then you wouldn’t pick up this book or his first one for that matter. Knowing his references makes the book hilarious and a bit nostalgic in a way. I think understanding and loving those things make the book more enjoyable. But even if I didn’t personally have an experience or a memory with said reference, knowing it makes it fun.

I’m a lover of video games, and even though I don’t consider myself an intense “gamer” I do enjoy playing games, so having the knowledge that comes with video game culture…even if only a bit definitely puts you in Zach’s shoes as he goes through his life video game life.

I’m excited to read more by this author, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to read Armada before Ready Player One but I don’t think it matters. Reading them in the order that they are released allows the reader to see growth within the author’s novels.

Happy reading

*I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Lovely Happenings


I purchased this amazing tote bag from Society 6 by Evie Seo. And yes, this tote is HUGE!!! I ordered the 18×18 but you have your choice of 13×13 or 16×16, which is probably the size I will order the next time. Yeah, I plan on ordering another tote down the line because there were a few other designs I can’t live without. But for another time, my wallet needs a break.

But I love the size, the only thing that would make this bag absolutely perfect is if it had pockets on the outside or inside. I added one on the inside to hold my cell, it’s not my best work but it works. Other than that, it holds everything! I still think Mija should design some things and have a Society 6 store for Mind-Speaks, but that might have to wait a while.

Below are my videos for my April book haul! I broke it into two parts since I wanted to discuss the poetry books I bought this month. I wasn’t really interested in poetry until I discovered these books!!! The second video contains all the fiction books I purchased.


I’m still figuring out editing. I will probably say that about every video I post, because Movie Maker isn’t the greatest program, but like I’ve said before. I’m working on it. I’m enjoying this entrance into the booktube community. I’m just trying to figure out more video topics, aside from book hauls. I love filming and watching these types of videos, however I won’t always be able to buy a bunch of books in order to film such videos. Hence, the need for other topics. I have a few ideas.

Thank for stopping by.

Illustrated: A Few of my Favorites Books

Another video!!! I’m still trying to figure out how to edit using Movie Maker, it’s not the greatest of programs but I manage.  I remember older versions allowing more freedom than this windows 8 version. The sound gets a bit low in some areas but luckily it doesn’t really happen until the end.

Books that I mention in the video:

I’m pretty picky when it comes to art styles, and I might have been a bit harsh when it came to P. Craig Russell’s style of art.  It’s just not the type of style I like. My tastes rage from super cute and colorful to gritty and a bit creepy. It might be the way it’s colored, so it might be the colorists fault for why it doesn’t sit well with me. But don’t let my opinion change yours, this is just my opinion and tastes.

I’m thinking of making this a series, we shall see.

Thanks for reading

Blogging for Books~ The Never-Open Desert Diner

I want to start off by saying this review shouldn’t be taken too seriously because I did not finish the book. And usually, I don’t feel like I have the right to review a book unless I have finished reading it. But this is my honest opinion and if I’m being honest, this was not the right book for me.

The Never-Open Desert Diner by James Anderson

For me, this book could not grab my attention. I tried again and again to continue reading it and it just never happened. I’d immediately forget what I had read and it just wasn’t memorable for me. I don’t think it’s a question on the writing itself, the story just didn’t interest me as much as I thought it would. The cover caught my attention, which is the first reason  I chose this book.

Second reason, when I read the synopsis, I thought I’d try something different and see if I would enjoy it. And since I’m terrible at paraphrasing I’ll just share what was written on the inside of the dust jacket.

Ben Jones lives a quiet, hardscrabble life, working as a trucker on Route 117, a little-traveled road in a remote region of the Utah desert which serves as a haven for fugitives and others looking to hide from the world. For many of the desert’s inhabitants, Ben’s visits are their only contact with the outside world, and the only landmark worth noting is a once-famous roadside diner that hasn’t opened in years.

Ben’s routine is turned upside down when he stumbles across a beautiful woman named Claire playing a cello in an abandoned housing development. He can tell that she’s fleeing something in her past—a dark secret that pushed her to the end of the earth—but despite his better judgment he is inexorably drawn to her.

As Ben and Claire fall in love, specters from her past begin to resurface, with serious and life-threatening consequences not only for them both, but for others who have made this desert their sanctuary. Dangerous men come looking for her, and as they turn Route 117 upside down in their search, the long-buried secrets of those who’ve laid claim to this desert come to light, bringing Ben and the other locals into deadly conflict with Claire’s pursuers. Ultimately, the answers they all seek are connected to the desert’s greatest mystery—what really happened all those years ago at the never-open desert diner?

In this unforgettable story of love and loss, Ben learns the enduring truth that some violent crimes renew themselves across generations. At turns funny, heartbreaking and thrilling, The Never-Open Desert Diner powerfully evokes an unforgettable setting and introduces readers to a cast of characters who will linger long after the last page.

It sounded interesting enough, a thriller mixed with mystery and romance. Now, I feel terrible that I couldn’t give this book more of a chance, but there are too many books that are grabbing my attention and I just don’t want to waste my time on one that I do not find interesting. But just because I couldn’t finish this book and found it uninteresting does not mean you will think the same thing. It just means that as I continue to grow as a reader I find what types of books work for me and what types don’t work for me.

Again, because I didn’t finish the book you shouldn’t take my word for it.  This might be the book for you, it just didn’t work for me. That’s all for now.

Thanks for reading

*I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

~March Book Haul~

I’ve been reading a lot more nowadays. Not out of character for me, but it’s been awhile since I’ve made time to continuously read books. I’ve purchased quite a few books in March and I’m almost done with all of them. I’ve already started purchasing books for April. Very dangerous.

It took several attempts to film this haul and I was getting very frustrated with it. There are some hiccups in this video, but I’ll do better next time. Like, remembering to turn off my air condition so that it doesn’t make a loud noise in the background. Also to not mess with the manual focus in the middle of filming. I didn’t even noticed it was out of focus until I was editing, too late to refilm. -.- I’ll do better next time.

I’d love to hear about the books on your lists, so don’t be shy. 🙂 Also, if you haven’t heard of Books Amino then  I highly recommend it. It’s a great book loving community where you can discuss and share book info with people from all over the world. I love it!

Thanks for stopping by!


March Owlcrate

I bought an Owlcrate for the month of March-the theme was Writer’s Block. Here are a few thoughts about it.


My initial thought is, it’s an adorable subscription box. But I don’t think I would be subbing for the April Box. Once you subscribe, you do not have to renew it for the following month, so if you don’t want it, then make sure to cancel your subscription before the first of the new month. The contents of the March box fit well with the theme, but I’m not sure if it was worth the price. The total was 36.98,  it ships from Canada so shipping was 6.99. I love the idea of it, but I’m pretty picky when it comes to the books I read, so maybe a blind box isn’t the best idea for me.

The book chosen for this month’s box was The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner. And even though I wouldn’t have chosen this book myself, I do enjoy a coming of age story. I do plan on giving it a try before nixing it off my bookshelf. The other items were cute, I just think I had higher expectations due to past boxes and was slightly disappointed. But only slightly. I know it must be difficult figuring out each theme and choosing items to go with it. I also think I had this feeling because I saw spoilers on instagram. I mean, I shouldn’t have been looking for spoilers, the whole point of a sub box is to be surprised and introduced to new novels. I might sub again if the theme is interesting, I’m happy I tried it out. I may try out a different sub box, but for now I enjoy picking out my own books. I’m currently waiting on an order from bookoutlet and from society6, ordered a bookish themed tote bag and I’m super excited to get it. I’m jut very impatient.

Have you tried a sub box? If so which ones, are you usually happy with its contents or have you been disappointed?

Thanks for stopping by and reading

More Wants and Loves

So I’ve been coveting a lot of things recently and for this entry, I would like to share them with you because you might also like them as much as me. :3 Most of them are book related.

Subscription Boxes!!!

  • OwlCrate– “OwlCrate is a monthly book subscription box that sends newly published Young Adult novels and assorted bookish goodies to your door. Each month’s OwlCrate is tailored to a fun theme (past themes include MAGIC, MYTHS & LEGENDS, and DIVERSITY) and will contain one new Young Adult novel, as well as 3-5 other bookish treats to help you get your nerd on.
  • Illumicrate“Illumicrate is the subscription box for book lovers everywhere! We are dedicated to bringing you the best new releases and other fun things that book lovers are sure to enjoy. “
  • Lit-Cube“Lit-Cube is a monthly subscription box for readers. We strive to pair hand-picked books with high quality literary themed products to bring you a magical reading experience each and every month. We mail out a variety of books & genres. We are *not* a YA only box subscription.”
  • Blind Date with a Book-“Gift wrapped, tagged with clues and delivered to your door. It’s a literary guessing game, it’s wonderful fun! And if you can’t find a date let us help find one for you.”

I’ve been noticing a lot of these bookish monthly subscription boxes and I’ve fallen in love with them all. I find myself looking up unboxing videos on youtube. They are just too cute! My only hesitation is spending $30+, and some of them are out of state, so the s+h will cost extra. Blind boxes sometimes stress me out, because what if I don’t like the book I receive? But then I just figured, I could easily gift the book to someone else. I have tons of literary friends that would appreciate getting a book. I would at least like to try it out once. There are a few more that I didn’t mention, but these are the ones I’m most interested in.

Books! (A few on my to buy list)

  • Copygirl by Ana Mitchael and Michelle Sassa- Being an advertising minor, I would love to read about a female protagonist in the advertising world.
  • Love Fortunes and Other Disasters by Kimberly Karalius  – The cover is just too cute! It’s a Swoon book, the sequel has an adorable cover as well.
  • Every Anxious Wave by Mo Daviau -Time travel and love? What more could you ask for?
  • A Darker Shade of Magic by V.  E. Schwab- I’ve been contemplating this one,the sequel was released the other day I’m just not sure if I will fall for it as much as I’m hoping I will. But I still want to give it a chance, might just buy it on my nook first before buying a hard copy.

Other Book Related Items!

  • Totes, Pillows and Mugs- Bookwormboutique– Instagram strikes again!!! I’ve been seeing all of these bookgramers showing off all of their bookish items. I especially love the throw pillows! They are too cute, my favorites are this one, this one and this one! Ok, there are a ton of cat pillows that I would like as well. Same with the totes and mugs! I’ve added them to my list!!! It just keeps growing, but I’m totally ok with that because even though I can’t purchase them all, I love finding new things to love!


That’s it for now, I’ve gone on and on for too long already. So I’ll end by showing you my true love! R2D2!!! I was lucky enough to be in charge of another Star Wars party at the museum. I love having Star Wars themed parties, especially when they go all out and have fancy balloons for me to love on!!!

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