I was so nervous, but I finally had the chance to meet Matt’s parents a couple weekends ago. Matt, calm as usual, kept telling me I had nothing to worry about. And he was right, I had nothing to worry about. They all made me feel very welcomed.
I went with Matt to pick up his parents from the airport.( First time near an airport) That’s right, I’ve never been on a plan. Hopefully, I’ll change that this year. Anyway, we waited for them and then they came and greeted me with open arms. We had dinner at Star Pizza and just talked and laughed. They were so great and reminded me of my parents. His dad would make some jokes, again, reminding me of my own dad. Then we ended the night with some ice cream ( I had Cream Soda- and I’ve been craving it ever since).

The next morning, I drove to Matt’s place where the four of us walked to Biscuit Junkie for breakfast. I had avocado on poached eggs and biscuits. It was pretty yummy. And from there we headed off to Galveston to meet up with more of his family. I met his uncle and cousins, and his grandparents. Again, I was welcomed with open arms and was treated as part of the family. It was lovely. His uncle rented a house on the water and it was gorgeous. I haven’t been to Galveston in years so I was quite surprised. I was reminded that Moody Gardens is in Galveston and now it’s definitely on my list of things to do this year. I think the last time I visited was during a school field trip back in the 8th grade…if I remember correctly. Disney World is still a huge thing I would like to do this year, I’m told before Christmas is the best time to go, and Matt just so happens to be from Florida so a visit there and a visit to his parents would be lovely. I’m just so happy that meeting them went well. It’s interesting to meet the people responsible for the person I love. He resembles both parents, having more of his mother’s features with a dash of his father’s and his added mannerisms. But Matt is much more mellow than his father. But Matt is pretty much more mellow than anyone really. I haven’t had a chance to meet his younger brother yet, but hopefully I’ll be able to do so soon.

When we finally go to the beach house, we talked and colored with his cousins, then ate some burgers and just enjoyed the view on the water. We played some ping pong, and watched a movie, and then his father wanted to take photos of the sunset. We said our goodbyes and made plans to have dinner the next night. I also offered them museum tickets since they were coming into Houston for the day. We had dinner at Goode Company’s BBQ, and then I suggested we walk around Rice Village so his cousins could do some shopping while his parent’s joined us at Half Price. We later all met up at this crepe shop and had coffee and dessert. It was a great evening and I’m so glad that he introduced me to them. I look forward to spending time with them again.
I hope you are having a great week, and I hope your weekend is filled with fun. If you’re worrying about something, my advice to you is, worry not. Don’t over worry and just do your best in whatever it is. You’re probably like me and worrying for no reason. Just smile, eat some yummy food and blog on. <3
Thanks for reading.