Archive for Games
{ November 26, 2012 @ 4:19 am }
{ Family/Friends, Food, Games, Holidays, life }
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Holy crap, it has been far too long since I last updated. Several blog worthy events have been piling up. But when I finally get a chance to update, I get like two lines in and then have to either finish reading a book for my lit classes or I am too tired and save it for tomorrow. But “tomorrow” never seems to come. I still have to finish writing about my sister’s wedding. :/
I spent this holiday at my parent’s house, I haven’t seen them since Mija’s wedding so we definitely needed the family time. I’ve been super lazy, I didn’t do any reading like I should have. I just watched movies and ate….a lot. But I have been knitting. I’m knitting a scarf for a friend as a Christmas gift. I’m trying out a new pattern and so far it looks really good. I am pretty proud of it. XD I’ll share pictures over at Mind-Speaks…after I give it to her of course. Thanksgiving dinner was amazing and I hope everyone else had a great holiday. Both my parents worked on Thursday so we had our dinner on Friday. But we also went to Walmart for Black Friday. And people are insane. They were similar to zombies feasting on a body. I was shocked. You should have seen how crazy they were over just pillows and towels. I think some people were just grabbing crap just so someone else wouldn’t get it. They took some satisfaction in seeing a person disappointed because they didn’t get what they were aiming for. How sick is that? Other times I saw people eyeing carts, as if they planned on grabbing things out of them. O.O Why are people crazy? There was even a bit of drama while we waited in line for a TV. It involved people who let family members cut and a woman who would leave her cart in line to save her spot. As long as my mom got her TV and we weren’t injured, I didn’t care what other people were doing. My siblings waited in line for movies and video games. They managed to grab two copies of Dishonored, two of Black and White Pokemon, Dance Central 3, Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption. And then several dvds, great loot all in all.
So now that my lazy holiday is over I now need to concentrate on finals and essays. My last final is on the 14th and then I’ll be done for the semester. I have two essays to write, due next week and two tests this week. Oh joy. I wish all my essay writing for the semester was done. I have no idea what to write. I need to start planning it out seeing as they are both due next week. Pffft great. This sucks.I can’t believe it has taken me this long to post another entry. I plan on making haul video soon. After I finish writing essays and whatnot, so look forward to that. I’ll try to update soon, I still have a lot of drafts to finish.
So, what did you look forward to eating this year at Thanksgiving? Mine was pumpkin pie and green bean casserole. :9 Thanks for reading, next entry I should have pictures and music to share.
{ September 12, 2012 @ 1:48 am }
{ Daily Outfit, Family/Friends, Food, Games, life, School }
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As always, my birthday was a blast. I didn’t think there was any way to out do last year’s Star Wars exhibit. But boy was I wrong. I was born on September 11, 1989 at 3:something p.m. XD
My family completely surprised me this past weekend and came to Houston to take me out to dinner. They bought me balloons, donuts and peanut M&M’s. I wasn’t expecting anything and they just went above and beyond. I had no idea. One of the bigger surprises was the gift Jody and Mija bought me. Not only is Mija taking me to see the musical Beauty and the Beast but they bought us each a 3DS. I’m obsessed with my DSlite and never even thought of upgrading to the 3Ds, not until it became obsolete anyway. So this completely blew my mind. Jody got the new 3DSxl, and the screen is HUGE! My sister’s and I each got the first edition and I’m already obsessed with it. We only have Mario Kart 7 but it is so freaking cool. I’m actually not a fan of the 3D feature, which I know defeats
the main purpose of the upgrade. But that’s not the only cool new upgrade. I love the streetpass feature. I take it with me when I go to school and I usually pass someone with one on campus. I’ve only had four people, but that is pretty awesome. Of course now every time I pass someone I think to myself, I wonder who has a 3DS? I’m determined to get those puzzle pieces!! XD This month has just been amazing, so much has happened and is happening and I’m just loving every minute of every day. So this is what I wore, I actually really love this outfit and I’ve worn so many different variations of this outfit but I never get tired of it. I always feel confident when I wear it, so I thought this would be the perfect outfit to wear on my birthday. When I got home I
ended my birthday with Mija and Jody. They bought me Potbelly and a cake and sang happy birthday to me. This year’s birthday was just surprise after surprise. It reminded me how lucky I am to have my family. They are just the best!
Tomorrow, (later today I mean) I’m going to a reading that is being held on campus. ZZ Packer will be one of the authors giving a reading. Apparently she is teaching on campus this semester. Had no idea. So I thought since I’m going through creative writing withdrawals I should attend as many reading events as I can. And this one is on campus and I’ll be there anyway so why not? It’s starts at 5:30 and my class ends at 5:15 so I should be able to go. And then Thursday I’m having dinner with my friend Liz, I’m excited I haven’t seen her since May.
Well I hope everyone is having a great week. 😀
Thanks so much for reading.
{ February 5, 2012 @ 3:07 am }
{ Dating, Family/Friends, Games, Hobbies/Interests, Holidays, Movies }
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So on Lazy Explorers, Chloe gave out blog Valentine’s and I just fell in love with the whole idea. So I decided to do the same.
My post for last Valentine’s was a bit…well cynical. So I thought I would be a bit more loving this year. I also made a button that you can put on your side bar for the duration of the month. If you click the one on my sidebar it will take you to Chloe’s entry.
… continue reading this entry.
{ April 6, 2011 @ 6:31 pm }
{ Games, Hobbies/Interests }
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I have started playing Pokemon White recently on my ds. And I must say I’m impressed.
I tried playing Pokemon pearl and gold but it just did not catch my fancy. My sister Mija and Jo Bro are already pretty far in the game. Also they both caught the legendary Pokemon Victini. The little bastard just won’t stay in the freaking Poke ball. So now I must level up so I can catch the cheeky bastard.

Cute little thing no? Well anyway, speaking of DS I’m sure you have seen the ads for the new 3DS. -.- I am NOT happy about this. I don’t even enjoy watching movies in 3D let alone playing games with that option. We went to Gamestop to see what the big deal was about and its nothing. Besides the teal color, I have no interest in the 3DS.(ok minus the game street fighter) I played it and it was fun, as long as you keep the ridiculous 3D option off you will enjoy the game, however the buttons aren’t as comfortable as the DSLite. But that is just my opinion.
I feel like the DS XL JUST came out and they are already bringing out the 3Ds? WHY?!!! I think Nintendo is catching the apple bug and is just trying to keep up. My main concern is, does this mean that the old format games were put out will be obsolete? I keep getting mixed signals on Google, some say the game card won’t even fit in the older DS models. >.< Sooooooo annoying. Why can’t they just keep it the same. (DUH THEY WANT MORE MONEY) Which I don’t blame them. New model obviously means updated card designs as well. So older DS models won’t be able to play the new games made for 3DS. :/ SUCKS!!!!

Yes this entire entry was about video games and Pokemon. -.- This is what a college student thinks about. Serious stuff. >.< Next entry will actually be about serious stuff…I swear.
{ December 13, 2009 @ 6:34 am }
{ Games, Hobbies/Interests, Technology }
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I had my first torn decision between my tumblr blog and my main blog.
I didn’t think I would have to choose between them because I have always known which blog I would use to update depending on the event. I would update my tumblr with small tidbits and my main blog with the larger events that can make me go on forever. So I had a little dilemma, which I’m sure to you might not seem like that much of a dilemma. But I am insane so naturally this makes sense to me. But because I felt this way, I solved my own dilemma without really doing anything but updating my blog. Well as you can see I chose my main blog. Meaning this involved something more than a quick description and a photo.
Mija bought me a NDS game to call my very own. Until now I have been playing whatever games Kat had. Which reminds me I missed a BrainAge today. Damn And I was doing so well too. I was keeping up with it and because I got so distracted by my new toy I forgot about it. -_- My new game is a classic. Are you familiar with Bust-A-Move? AKA Puzzle Bobble. Well the one I played growing up was Bust-A-Move ‘99 on Nintendo 64.
… continue reading this entry.
{ September 11, 2009 @ 6:38 pm }
{ Daily Outfit, Games, life }
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I have finally gotten a full length mirror. Now to some that might not be a big whoop. But to me this is a wonderful thing. I have been wanting a full length mirror ever since I started dressing more like a girl. Which started senior year for me. Before that I never really cared about what I wore, I made sure to straighten my and thats about it. I don’t wear any makeup. I have no idea how to apply it nor do I even bother learning how. I mean if you have to keep reapplying it throughout the day why even bother with it? Plus with my face, what you see is what you get. No mask. I mean I’m not implying that people that wear make up are fake or anything. I just mean that there are people that wear too much and once they take it off, its like they are a whole other person. Not to mention its not always good for your skin. But anyway, I finally got a full length mirror to inspect my outfits, without having to stand on my tub edge. Which is what I had to resort to before full length mirror days. … continue reading this entry.
{ September 5, 2009 @ 3:59 am }
{ books, Games, Reading }
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I just finished reading Blue Moon by Alyson Noël. And I am left with the feeling of wanting more.
WARNING! A hint of book spoilers!
The book ended with an annoying cliff hanger. Making me angry that it was over and I just kept thinking it couldn’t end like this. What happened to happy endings? And good triumphing over evil. Throughout the entire book the protagonist was fighting to save her true love and now? She can’t even cry on his shoulder? I am deeply annoyed by Ever. But I can’t help but love this book. Of course this is the second character in a book that I have read within a few months of each other, where the main character did not know who The Beatles were. How in the hell is that possible?
Quick note: Speaking of The Beatles. Have you seen the new trailer for The Beatles Rock Band? If you haven’t then luckily you read my blog and now can. And if you haven’t seen the animated promo for it then its below as well. And it is amazing. I cannot wait for this game. It comes out two days before my birthday and well make an awesome birthday present. lol Which is what I told my mom and dad. My dad’s reply to that is,”My birthday is coming up.” Mine is on the 11th while his is a week later on the 17th. He just ignores my rather unsubtle hint and changes the subject to him. lol
Anyway back to Blue Moon. I am now in an impatient need to get my hands on the next book which is called Shadowland. At the end of Blue Moon they give you a sneak peek of Shadowland like some books do, and I must say it just put me in more of an unsatisfied mood. But there is some good news. I thought I would have to wait until February to get the next book. But I don’t. Just until November 24th. Of course it is coming out in hardback first. I hate when they do that. I am one of those people that when they read a series, that all the books within that series have to match. I can’t help it. I am just programed this way. It is a habit…a fault? That I cannot quit/correct. But in this case its a matter of paper/hard back books. The first two books are in paper back. The third coming out in November will be in hardback. Seeing how impatient I am, I might have to just buy the hard back to fill the void until the book is available in hard back. I know I make things so difficult.
I didn’t really explain the two books. But I will elaborate later on possibly. But for now, take my advice and read them. Especially if you are into reincarnation,auras, mind reading and never ending love made to over come time itself.
{ June 29, 2009 @ 5:46 pm }
{ books, Games, Hobbies/Interests, Reading }
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Ok. I live in a small town so small that you have to go the next slightly larger town to go to the mall/movies.
So the other day my mom and sisters and I where going to watch Transformers but sadly all showings were sold out. Then mom suggests going to Pearland to see if they aren’t sold out there.(aka another slightly larger town 52 minutes away) Now we never really explore the neighboring towns where I live. And I’ve lived in this area for my entire 19 years of living. We just don’t like exploring things we aren’t used to. If its unfamiliar in anyway I’d rather not explore it. Thats just the sort of person I am. But in this case, I have been wanting to go to this town just to see the stores it has. Instead of even checking the movie showings we just decided to explore the town. I mean we drive by it all the time when we visit Mija but thats what Pearland was to us. Just something to look at from afar. lol. So we ate at T.G.I. Friday’s and then we went to Halfprice Books. I found Neil Gaiman’s M is for Magic in hard back for $6. 68 and in amazing condition. But I decided not to ask mom for it. I regret it now. >_< Then we went to Old Navy, and they had the mannequins from the commercials. They look sort of creepy when they are standing in front of you. There really wasn’t anything I wanted to buy there. I think Old Navy’s winter collection is nicer than its summer. But their purses and bags were nice. lol Then we went home. Mom had had enough of Pearland to last her a life time. Because before we decided to eat there. We kept getting confused by the traffic lights and we weren’t used to the lanes and such. We are lame. I know.
My mom bought the Wii Tennis racket attachments today and it came with the SEGA SUPERSTARS Tennis game. Its cool. I should play Wii after eating tons of Puppy Chow my cousin made me. I love Puppy Chow. So good. But its dangerous if you eat too much. It can cause your tummy to hate you. But so far I’m limiting myself pretty good which is weird for me. lol.

The part where I talk more about books. I am still reading Shrimp at the moment. After that I will read Cupcake and after that I will mope for awhile because that series was only three books. But its ok because then I want to read Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty. That series is 5 books long, I believe. That will really keep me busy. ^_^ I’m such a bookaholic. But I still have Sunshine by Robin McKinley to read. And then The Graveyard Book by Neil Fucking Gaiman. I still find his relationship with Amanda Palmer weird but I mean they seem happy so who am I to judge?
I hope its ok to mention it here…MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED! As in being a wife. I can’t contain how happy I am for her. She asked me to be her maid of honor. I feel so special. I love her and she only deserves the best. So this guy better treat her like the Queen that she is.
{ September 21, 2008 @ 8:20 am }
{ Art, Family/Friends, Games, Hobbies/Interests, life, Movies }
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“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”- Paul McCartney

I was looking for some water color paint brushes and then I found these. KIMBERLY brand name water color pencils. I’m such a loser, that I got really excited and bought them. It was my dad’s birthday and I painted him a picture of his Jeep. Thats why I needed some more brushes but then I found the pencils. I thought he would put the picture in his garage. Mom bought a frame, of course instead of being in the garage its now in our living room. (sigh so embarrassing.) I painted it for him because he really loves his jeep. He calls it Midnight/Old Betsy (strange right? eh) I told him that Midnight sounds like a name for a male horse and Old Betsy sounds like a cow name. So I told dad that I it makes his jeep sound like a transvestite. But whatever. Which made me think. Why do men give their boats,cars, motorcycles, instruments (in my dads case his jeep and Bar-B-Q) names? I mean I don’t name anything…. well I did name my stuffed animals. -_- So maybe this is a mans version of a stuffed animal. (I am so weird) Well anyway because of Hurricane Ike dad has to work in Houston. He is working on getting peoples lights back on. He stays at his brothers house in Sugar Land because its too long of a drive from home to Houston. He would be too tired to do that. My poor hard working dad.

School starts again Monday for me. So hopefully things will be getting back to normal. The Mall still hasn’t reopened.Ok well I along with my cool water color pencils I also got Sims life stories. I love Sims. I have always wanted Life stories since it came out, and I finally got it. YAY! Because I was busy evacuating on my birthday I couldn’t really celebrate turning 19. So I went out to eat with my mom and sisters. And then we went to Best Buy where mom and Mija bought me KODOCHA season 2! Kodocha is my favorite manga and they made an anime of it. I love it! On the way home from Best Buy it was so dark. Street lights and traffic lights still don’t work in some parts. Well I’m gonna gonna watch Kodocha now.
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