Inside Kimmy's Mind

BoOoOKS & ProCrastiNation!

I’ve been stuck in front of my computer finishing up a presentation for class. Due to all the work I needed to get done,  I didn’t get to spend the weekend with the Boyfriend. But I did last and the weekend beforehand. He was supposed to meet my parents then, but the weather prevented it from happening. This was the second attempt and I’m not sure when we will  be able to reschedule. But since we didn’t go to my parent’s house, we decided to go out to lunch, made a trip to Half Price, and then grabbed some ice cream for dessert. :9

We went to a different Half Price thinking they’d have more of a selection. They did!!! I’m super excited about my discoveries, plus I’m excited to share them on the blog.

  • Slog’s Dad by David Almond- The reason I purchased this one, it’s illustrated by Dave McKean!!! I love his art style, he’s magic personified. The story itself is magical yet dark and uplifting, the story and artwork just mesh so well together that I just absolutely love it. I always thought that Gaiman would be the only person I wanted paired with McKean’s art.  But boy was I wrong, McKean makes any story come to life, Almond has another book with McKean’s illustrations so I’ll be on the look out for that too. Along with McKean’s art books.


  • The Unruly Alphabet by Aaron McKinney – I saw this book first, and I thought it had a McKean-esque feel to it. It’s has that grittiness to it and can be slightly disturbing in the best way possible. I know, I’m weird. But the cover immediately made me pick it up and read it and even after reading it I just had to buy it. It’s images are of the alphabet with weird personalities and alliteration. I’m fascinated by it and by McKinney, it must be  McK thing. XD


  • Alien Isolation: Nostromo  Edition- I didn’t get this third item at Half Price, but I wanted to just add it in this entry. The last time  Kat and I did go home, was during Easter weekend and we found this at Hastings and couldn’t resist. I’ve been wanting to play this game since I saw the trailer. When Colonial Marines fell flat, even though I really enjoyed shooting Aliens, I was was really excited to see that there would be a new game. It’s definitely intense. Plus, I like the idea that Ripley’s daughter also faces a Xenomorph. Because of school, I haven’t been able to indulge in gaming. But I will soon once the semester is  over, what I have been able to play of the game has been difficult. I’ve screamed several times. That tense feeling you get when you’re excited and scared at the same time, it’s great.


I came home today after work to find someone parked in my spot. -.- I’m tired of this happening, I pay an extra 15 bucks a month to have a reserved parking spot in my complex. I’m not paying for someone else to park in my spot! I told myself that the next time someone parked in it, I would have them towed. With that being said, I called to have them towed. Kat and I went out to get something to eat and they said they would call but they never called me. Once we got home, the truck was gone but I have no way of knowing if it was towed or if they just left. Now I just keep looking over my shoulder, I just don’t want the punk to do do anything to my car. -.- For once I would just like to be a badass and not worry about what may happen, just be confident in my decision.

 That’s all for now….thanks for reading and commenting.


Life is hectic at the moment. Any free time I’ve managed to come across has been mainly for people or for some pass-out-on-the-couch-me-time. School is coming to an end…for the semester any way and summer classes start up soon right after. Graduation is also upon me. Sadly, my hurdles are far from done and I must move fast.

My plan is to graduate Fall 2015. -.- It sounds amazing whenever I hear myself say it, it sounded amazing to hear my counselor say it. But in order to graduate in the Fall, I must finish up a core requirement. And that is…a foreign language. I took Spanish 1501 almost two years ago, so now in order to take 1502, I must take a test. If I don’t meet the requirements, then that means I have to take 1501…AGAIN. Thankfully, Spanish 2301 and 2302 are now offered as an intensive class n the fall. So, provided I make it into the right class this summer, I can take 2610 in the fall and get credit for the remaining Spanish courses I need.

Along with that nightmare, final projects and tests have just been a huge pain in the ass and now I have to worry about this test before summer classes start. Not to mention worrying about financial aid as well. I just want to graduate! Then I’ll be worrying about a completely different list of things. Such as, where am I going to work? I need money, I need benefits, I need stability and the ability to financially support myself without the help of my parents.  A lot to focus on at the moment and I’m just dreading the next couple of months. However, I’m insanely excited about the thought of graduating. Frankly, I’d rather not do the whole cap and gown charade but my parents have made it clear that they will see me walk. My mom just gave me this look so it’s safe to say that I don’t really have a choice. But that’s the least of my worries, I just want to get to the point where I can officially graduate and get out of school. I’m tired of grades, and tests. Granted, I know you are somewhat graded and tested once in a career. But at least you’re getting paid for that “grade”.

Classes are blah, I’m taking a Creative/Copy Writing course this semester along with a Media Planning one. I’m not sure if I’m fitted for either though, but every time I feel discourage and think I did an assignment incorrectly, I’m surprised because I end up getting great feedback. Which is encouraging, but man are these classes a challenge. I only have two weeks left so let’s do this! And since this entry is pretty heavy, I’ll close with a pretty instagram photo of this Motto Journal I bought from Paper Source. I’ve been using it for only positive thoughts, mine says Hello Beautiful Day and it’s a mint/teal-ish color. I love it. It’s acts as a reminder to see the silver lining even when you can’t focus on it. Take a look at the different colors, do you see any that speak to you? I’m eying the Blue one that says, On to the Next Adventure. That’s all for now, until next time…

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Health update: So I had my colonoscopy last week, everything came back healthy. The day before my procedure was horrible though, I couldn’t eat anything and I had to take this horrible medicine that well….emptied out everything. Enough said. LINEcamera_share_2015-03-20-15-51-16However, even though I am deeply happy about having a happy colon. In other health aspects, I had the worst sore throat/cold/ear pains all throughout last week. It started as a scratch one day and then resulted in trouble with swallowing. You never noticed how often you have to swallow your own saliva until it hurts every time. Even during your sleep! The pain was intense, I mean I’m sure there are worst things, but this was extremely painful. I went to urgent care because I waited too long and I just couldn’t take it anymore. They gave me a prescription for medicine that heals strep throat, thankfully it went away.  On top of having a stuffy nose and sore throat my jaw has also been hurting me. I feel as though I’m falling apart. Is this really because of age?! I mean, I know that I as I get older I can’t be scared of doctors and need to make sure I’m healthy. Because youth does not mean you can’t get sick.  While at urgent care, they took an x-ray to make sure my throat was ok. I still find it weird to see it. I mean, bones are just so weird looking. My jaw looks so wide and not at all like what my skin is covering. I also see why skeletons are associated with fear. I mean, aside from tying it to death, They just look so fragile, it’s scary. It also makes me think that I have a really wide neck and I realize how bad my posture is. :/


 Ok, I’ve rambled on enough. I’m glad I’m getting better, now I just have to catch up with school work then things will be back to normal. It sucks being sick as an adult. When you’re kid, your mom brings you a bowl of soup and you get to watch cartoons all day.  To being young!!! That’s all for now…

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Grown Up Things and Such

You know that feeling you get when you come to the realization  that you are now an adult? I , still being in school and partially dependent  on my parents, have felt the cusp of this realization.

I am doing my best to finish school. I know that when I do finally finish I will probably  miss being in school. But the current  me is ready to be done. I want to move on/up in life. I know I won’t get there by skipping parts, and I’m not  trying to skip anything I just wish I was was  more prepared at this point.

I had a little health scare a couple weeks back and now I have to go to a GI and have samples taken, meaning needles will be involved. -.- Today I had to get blood drawn and needles and I do not get along. I exaggerated the pain a bit in my head so I’ve been dreading it for the past two weeks. It didn’t hurt at all. My arm feels a bit funny now, but I’m just glad it’s done. Now to get passed the procedure next week. T-T  More worrying.  I’ll keep you updated on the results.


Now on to happy things! I’ve picked up a few goodies in the past few weeks. >.<  I couldn’t help myself, so I wanted to share with you the things I’ve bought to distract myself and about the moments that have made me smile.

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Days of Love


In my last post I was minutes from meeting the bf’s parents, and that went well. There were moments of awkward silences but I think it was a successful meeting all in all. His mother was beyond sweet, and his 6 year old sister was adorable.  She makes the same expressions as he does and it was just cute. His step dad was pretty quiet but he would chime in every once in a while.

I was also happy to witness the interaction between him and his mother. When he talks about his mom he often says how she has her life and he has his. But they joked around and she acted like a mother. Not that I didn’t think she would act like one, but he keeps his family life pretty much to himself and I try not to pry. All in all, I liked meeting his family and hopefully the next time I won’t be as nervous. And I hope the meeting with my family goes well too.

I hope you had a nice Valentine’s…even if you don’t celebrate it in the traditional sense. The bf and I just stayed in, I picked him and some Chick-Fil-A up after working an Egypt party at the museum. I even bought the roomie some pink tulips. Buying flowers was nice, I need to buy an actual vase and buy flowers every once in a while. I know they die, but they are also really pretty and I didn’t want to buy a pastry chef sweets, so I opted for some pretty flowers instead. She’s the best, so I wanted to show her some appreciation. :3


I also want to share what I got on a recent visit to Target. Oh Target, why must you be so alluring. I mentioned flowers earlier which is why I think I wanted these as badly as I did.  I noticed these beauties on sale and couldn’t help but get them. Wearing them out today gave me a little jaunt in my step, they also had some mint ones and some polka dot ones that were really adorable as well but the flower ones won out in the end. Gah! Target!

Aside from my Target adventures and a low key Valentine’s the date for the bf and my parents to meet has been decided. March 21st.  I’m excited yet nervous. I mean, I’m sure he’s nervous as well but he’s probably put it out of his mind for now. I hope it goes well, I want everyone to like everyone. Ok, I’ve rambled on enough and I have work in the morning so I should get some sleep. I’ve been exhausted and keep taking naps as soon as I get home from work or school and it has ruined my sleep schedule.  That’s all for now…

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Harden Criminal

 Monday started off like any other day. I had an early shift at Paper Source and I got out early. (I hate closing, so this was wonderful.) It wasn’t busy in the store either, I mostly checked in shipment and restocked things after crossing them off a list. And occasionally I’d help out with a customer. Oh, I was glued to the phone for most of my shift, which is annoying…I have terrible phone skills. Clocking out and heading to my car is one of the greatest feelings ever, but that day, not so much.

I was talking to my sister on the phone when  I noticed…my car wasn’t where I parked it. But let me give you some background on the parking system where I work. Ok, so parking is crap everywhere, but here people are so busy trying to get a spot in front of the stores that they ignore the huge garage that is always empty….oh and free! But, since I am an employee of a store, I am not allowed to park there. Employees have to park in this lot that is across the street near the train tracks in the most awkward and crazy location ever.  Oh and I need a sticker that I am still unsure where to get…all before my 10 a.m. shift tomorrow. :/ Anyway, going back to the horror….

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Crazy Ones


I am a person of habit, and I get attached to things fairly easily. Even something as fragile as paper. I love being able to customize things to fit my personality. For my cell phone, I got a clear case that way I could just put pretty paper in and change it whenever I want.

However, I didn’t change it as often as I thought I would. I’ve had my cell phone for a year and a half and I’m just now changing the paper. The first design I chose was a R2D2 cover, and I even had the sound he makes as my notification ringtone. It was magnificent. And so, of course I grew attached to the little droid being the cover for my droid. hehe Corny jokes are fun. Anyway, since working at Paper Source I’ve become obsessed with Rifle Paper Co. designs. They are just gorgeous. And they also have such beautiful cell phone covers. However, like many beautiful cell cases, they seem to only be made for Apple. But that is why I use clear cases. I printed out some Rifle Paper designs and just cut it to fit my case. I love it, but I find myself missing R2.  Stupid, I know. Change is hard. Even something as small as switching the paper from my cell case.


Since I’m sharing cases, I finally got my case for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. I’m so excited about it, now it means I can carry it around with me. For this one, I didn’t even think about getting a clear case. I wanted something that resembled my Nook case, the kind that fold over. I also wanted one with a keyboard but I was too impatient when I saw this one. Gah! Ebay is so dangerous. >.< But again, I love it.

I just wanted to share my tech with you along with my never ending desire to customize the things I carry with me. If I could, I’d want a case for my laptop as well. But once again, they only make those for Apple products. -.- Bleh! Tell me, do you like to customize your electronic’s outer appearance or do you just buy whatever you think will protect your cell? Until next time….

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I’m so incredibly sore after having three parties at the museum this past Saturday.  It’s been awhile since I’ve worked a whole day at the museum and I’m feeling it.

But even though my legs and feet feel like they are no longer connected to my body it was worth it! I finally got my first email feedback from birthday parents…well my first GOOD feedback, I probably had some bad ones that were never mentioned to me.

Thank you for everything today! The party was great and everyone had a wonderful time. Katura and Kim were lovely. We are members of HMNS and Avery loves it there, that’s why we decided to hold the party there. It’s the first kids party there we’ve attended.

Thank you for all you and your team did to make the event special!

That was for my 9 am party, I felt as though it went well so but I didn’t think they would send feedback. My second party was very appreciative I figured this would be the party that would send feedback but they didn’t but my last party of the day, which was a solo party did. My first solo feedback!!!

I do not mind answering questions for feedback. This was our first birthday party at the museum and we found out about it because we had been invited to a party there before. We thought the party was great and so did all of our attendees. I think the best part was the tour of the Paleontology Hall. The craft was fun but it wasn’t lengthy enough to take up the time allotted and therefore the kids got a little restless and started running around. So I would recommend a more in-depth craft that takes more time to complete. Kim did a great job! I was worried that she would not be able to herd and command the attention of 20+ four and five year olds on the tour but she did and the kids loved it! I would definitely recommend having a party at the museum to our friends. The only downfall is of course the inconvenience of the parking, etc which I understand can’t be avoided. It is a lot of work to get in and out of the museum, especially on our rainy, cold, busy weekend and I was worried that our guests wouldn’t show but everyone came that said they would.

Thanks for the great birthday experience!

The kids during this party were a bit rowdy but they were all very good kids, two of the birthday boy’s friends kept hitting each other, so I had to keep telling them to be nice and how they were a herd of Deinonychus and how they worked together to survive and eat. And then I added, “So if you don’t work together, none of you get cake.” I know…lame, but kids eat that crap up. Certain age groups do anyway. I hope to continue doing well as a Birthday Coordinator, I love this job and love being able to go to the museum any time I want. Along with bring friends with me as well. Great for dates!

That’s it for now, just wanted to share my good feedback. :3 Until next time….

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Another New Year!!!

I cannot believe how fast 2014 came and went.  This was a hard year for me, and I don’t want to focus on the reasons why it was hard, because there are also many wonderful things that happened as well and I should focus on the good and grow from the not-so-good.


School was pretty hard this fall, but I managed to pass all of my classes and graduation is a lot closer….next fall! So I’m going to work extra hard and do my absolute best. I need to go out with a bang and leave UH feeling positive. Even though the fact that it has taken me THIS long is a huge downer. But hey, that’s dwelling on negative thoughts.

So let’s make this post about things I’m loving!!! <3

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Holiday Spirit

I spent time with my friend Katie on Tuesday, we talked, we cried, but mostly we laughed while remembering the amazing person that her husband was.

She confided in me the actual details of his last days. Those days belong to her and she felt comfortable enough to share them with me. I still cry a lot thinking about him and about the fact that he’s no longer here with us. And now I cry knowing more about his last moments on earth. They were horrible and painful, but I’ll keep those details to myself. I was just happy that she came to me during an incredibly difficult time and felt somewhat at ease with me. Even though  I know, no amount of crying or eating candy will make this easier for her, I just wanted to be there for her.

Ok, let’s move on to Holiday festivities, I need something less sad and more happy. I just wanted to touch base, because both he and Katie have been on mind a lot. I only got to hangout with them every now and I regret not spending more time with them. Which is why I hope to spend more time with Katie and friends in general. Life is short. As cliche as it sounds, it is. I’ve heard that saying pretty often but this is the first time it actually resonates with real meaning. I don’t want to regret things like this, things I control.

… continue reading this entry.

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