So I mentioned in my last blog about a possible giveaway. I’ll make a vlog showcasing the clutch I made that will be up for grabs. If enough people participate I might give two away. I’ll try to get that going this weekend or maybe sometime next week.

I bought new fabric this weekend. I bought a pretty paper umbrella fabric and this cute sewing themed one. Kat chose those two. And then I noticed the robot one in the clearance section and just had to get it. >.< And then my mom showed me this nice Star Wars fabric. XD I lost it. I HAD to buy it. Lets just say I went a tad bit over board, but I can’t help it. Once I enter that store I’m instantly drawn to all the pretty fabric and just start piling it into my cart. And can you blame me? It doesn’t help with all the signs that say 30% and 40% off. Plus the coupons?! O.o The coupons!!!! But I did drive all the way to Jo Ann’s fabrics. Now that is a pretty big step for me. I hate driving in Houston anxiety. Its scary and I hate doing it. But at the same time I want to learn. I drove again on Sunday, and while Mija and mom ran errands Kat and I stayed in the car and took a bunch of pictures. XD We do this a lot. She is my unofficial photographer. That’s the best thing about sisters. You can just be yourself around them. Well that’s true for siblings in general. Its also interesting because they know you for you’re entire life and they see the transformation you go through as you age. Weird. lol So Mija finally managed to get the Toki Doki Cactus Girl phone strap for me. I can’t believe after weeks of buying these foil covered trinkets, she was able to get it. Talk about luck. I mentioned this a few posts back…on how I got a milk strap. Now all that is left is to get the Pink Cactus Girl for Kat.
I put it on my cell, I’m still amazed by this. I mean at first the game was fun, but after awhile the element of surprise becomes very frustrating. They should just have clear boxes so we know which ones we are buying and we can buy the ones we want. Not that I don’t like my milk strap, because I do, but it would make getting the other ones much easier. -.- I know just a stupid keychain. But its a sister thing. I can’t help it. Plus how freaking cute is Toki Doki? Extremely. I have an extra phone strap that I might include as a separate giveaway. But only if I do one clutch. This will be my first giveaway, and if it goes well I’ll continue to do one every other month or so. If not then maybe the next handmade creation will grab your attention.
Question!!!! Do you have any siblings? Or are you an only child?