Inside Kimmy's Mind

Day Off!

I had last Friday off and decided to go on an adventure. I was on a quest to find a green skirt for my costume as well as making a visit to my public library so I can get a library card and start checking out books instead of buying books I have no intention of reading/keeping.

At the moment I’ve decided to check out audio and ebooks vs hardcopy books. I’m actually worried I’ll destroy a library book by accident. I’m not the kindest to my personal books whilst I’m out and about. Things spill on/tear/get folded while being lugged around in my bags so it’s not a safe place for books. I don’t mean to, but it happens.  But lately I’ve noticed that I purchase the book and then either finish it and don’t really like it enough to keep it, or don’t even like it enough to finish reading it. -.- Sad.

To make some attempt at keeping this cycle under control I knew I would have to combat it with getting a library card and start checking out books instead. We shall see how well this goes, but I plan on doing my best. While waiting for stores to open I shot some great photos of the area. I love my new camera! It makes me want to make more videos and take more photos. I take it with me everywhere on the off chance I will take a photo or vlog or something. It’s exciting and I love it.

The library finally opened and I was able to get that card. I recently found my first library card from when I was a kid. I remember when Mom took me to the library to get it too, I remember her signing the back for me in her beautiful writing. Sadly, I lost that first card and had to go in and get a new one. This one I have kept since then, it has my terrible scratch handwriting. Anyway, so now I have a Houston Library card and now I can check out books for free!

I’m still testing out my camera and trying to learn how it works and whatnot so bear with me while I learn. Do you have a library card? I read somewhere, someone had said they think libraries should be closed down. How sad! I hope that doesn’t happen.  Anyway, I’ll update again soon- but check out my you tube videos for more stuff. 🙂 If you want to.

Thanks for reading and commenting. <3

Autumn Tag

Mary from Autumall updated her blog with an autumn tag and I thought I’d join in as well since autumn is my favorite season…even though, in Texas the weather pretty much goes from extremely hot to less hot. But I shouldn’t complain so here’s the tag! Join in as well if you like. 🙂

What is your favorite autumn lip color?
I don’t wear makeup so I don’t have a favorite lip color. I just think lipstick looks like I’m a kid playing dress up with my mom’s things.

What is your favorite autumn nail color?
Now, I do wear nail polish but it depends, some colors look odd on my skin tone. I wear mints, grays or blues. But it all really depends on the shad.

Favorite autumn drink?
Don’t really have one. I drink two things all year round, water or lemonade. The occasional beer or vodka cranberry.

Favorite autumn scented candle?
Pumpkin something or cranberry something. I have no idea what it is but it’s wonderful.

Favorite autumn accessory?
So many to count. Currently it’s this fall skirt. (pictured above) I’m loving skirts, pants look funny on me.

Haunted house or scary Maze?
Haunted House I guess? XD

Favorite Halloween Movie?
Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline or You’re Next.  This last one is WAY different than the family friendly ones I listed first.  But it’s one of my favorites.

Favorite Halloween sweets?
Candy is good. I will eat pretty much any type of candy, unless it has coconut or marshmallow.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
Rogue again with Matt as Gambit. 🙂

What’s your favorite thing about autumn?
The cooler weather. I love cooler weather, it makes riding the bus and train much more durable. I don’t want it too cold, but a nice fall breeze, my favorite.

Feel free to fill out this tag yourself.  I’d love to read what your autumn favorites are. That’s all for now, until next time.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

~Fountain Pens~

Stationery is one of my favorite things. I am addicted to new journals, stickers and pens. I recently opened the door to fountain pens. I made a pen video a few months back and I mentioned how I’ve been on a quest to find a pen that I could refill and just use for years to come. I wasn’t a huge fan of fountain pens because I wasn’t quite sure if I would use them often. But I purchased an Ooly one and fell in love with the cartridge system and then purchased one in green.  After that, I knew I wanted to expand my fountain pen knowledge and down the rabbit hole I went.

Kaweco is the brand I set my sight on. Especially, the sport series in mint. Mint!!! It was such a cute pocket sized pen that I just HAD to get it! I made a first look video last week and plan on featuring it in a review video once the accessories that I ordered for it have arrived…that’s right. Accessories. I told you, rabbit hole! But if you’re as interested in fountain pens as I am, then getting all the stuff is just half the fun.

I’ll fill you in on this fountain pen journey, that’s all for now….until next time. 🙂

Thanks for reading and commenting

Life Update

Hurricane Harvey Day 5

Matt and I have been extremely lucky. There has only been a bit of flooding around us and it has already gone down. However, Houston has been hit hard.

I’ve dealt with hurricanes before but this is the first time I’m away from my family. My father works for the light company, he’s a lineman, so that means he climbs up the light poles and gives people back their lights. He’s been working through this storm, like every other one. Close to home or faraway he’s been through so much. He’s been keeping in touch and sending photos of what he sees. My father is a great man, and I hope he continues to be safe.

Before the Storm

Friday, I had to go into work so I stayed with Matt the night before. He did not have to work so he drove me to the museum and walked around until I was done, I left around 11:30 or so that morning. We got lunch, like it was any other day, and then headed back to his apartment. Saturday seemed normal that morning, so we walked to the nearest grocery store and got some last minute supplies. That night the first band hit and the road from the window started to flood. To our surprise there were a bunch of people still on the road. The next morning the water from the road was gone, but it was still raining. We both got the call that work was cancelled for Monday and that our coworkers were safe. Our friends and families were safe.

Safe yet dealing with the aftermath of Harvey’s beginning wrath. My sister hasn’t had power and has leaks in her home, one of my coworkers had to be evacuated from her complex, and my boss is afraid her roof is going to collapse due to water damage. I can’t imagine what they are going through. Most of the stores are still closed or are severely limited. Matt managed to go to Randall’s today for so more supplies. There was a line around the building and they were limiting the number of people in the store. It’s scary, but again, I am so lucky. I’m not too sure about the condition of my apartment, I believe that area is fine but I’m not certain. I’ll make a trip home after the storm has passed. It should hit more tonight but I think it won’t be as strong.

My prayers go out to my fellow Houstonians, my fellow Texans and neighbors who are helping us through this difficult time. And to my dad, and men and women like him, who are putting themselves in danger to help others. Please be safe.

That’s all for now. I’ll update again soon.

~Monthly Moments: July~


Here’s July’s montage video, it took me awhile to clip something together,  I’m happy with how this one came out, I had a lot of clips this month. Mostly of Marco and Eve…my boyfriend’s cats, so I had to x a lot of the tiny stuff to make room for the great memories. Making these videos has been a complete joy, it doesn’t take very much effort. I mean, remembering to film a moment might be troublesome at times but it’s nice to look back on. I’ve been documenting my life in some way or another and I love how it continues to evolve.

August is going to be busy….

  • Miller Outdoor Theater- 8.9.17 (Date night)
  • Mixers – 8.11.17 (Work Event)
  • 2nd Saturday – 8.12.17 (Work Event)
  • Bullet Journal Workshop – 8.14.17
  • Catalysts – 8.17.17 (Work Event)
  • Matt’s brother comes to visit- 8.18-21.17
  • Senior Social – 8.23.17 (Work Event)
  • Hand lettering Workshop- 8.26.17
  • Steering Committee Meeting – 8.31.17 (Work Event)

Even though this is another work crazy month, I’m still pretty happy with where I am in life. I hope your month is filled with good times. I’d love to hear about your July? Or is there anything your excited about happening this month?

Thanks for reading/watching.

~Review: Olive Traveler’s Notebook~


Alright! I know I said that I wouldn’t need/get a standard size TN…but I did and it’s gorgeous and I love it! I bought it off of Amazon from Asian Vintage TN but here is her Etsy shop, I think it’s easier to navigate. I’ve been obsessed with writing in it, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with the middle insert. I might do another blog planning insert or a scheduler? Not necessarily a planner though, I’m still using my bullet journal. I might eventually combine the bullet journal with this one, but not until I finish the notebook I’m currently using and also after I finish the next notebook I purchased early. -.- I may be a little hasty when purchasing notebooks. It’s an addiction, I know. But as long as I use the items I’m purchasing then I can accept this addiction…it’s harmless, right?

I’m definitely a stationery addict. My tagline is, I couldn’t help myself. What are your addictions?

Thanks for watching and reading.

~Monthly Moments: June~

I was late editing June’s video, but it was a slow month for me. I did go to Lockhart in the beginning of the month but unfortunately, I didn’t take ANY video clips! I thought I took at least one but it must have accidentally gotten erased. Oh well.

This lack of video pretty much sums up my month of June, lazy but still wonderful. I’ve been relaxing on the weekends and just spending time with family. Again, lovely. July should also be an easy month, which is fine by me, it gives me a chance to continue relaxing before the crazy month of August…can you believe how fast time is going by? I can’t. This

I’d love to hear about your June, even if it was as uneventful as mine. Now on to July….today is the 4th so Matt and I will probably try to find a place to watch fireworks…who knows.

Thanks for watching, see you next time!

~Book Haul: Comics~

Here’s a book haul for you! Let’s just say I couldn’t help myself when purchasing all of these over the last month or so. As usual, here’s my disclaimer, I’m still  learning how to edit so forgive me for the awkward narration. I recorded it separately from the video and I just finally had to use what I had. It was getting ridiculous.

I didn’t really go into too much detail about any of these, my bad. It was mostly about sharing the haul with you, but here are the links to each of the books I mentioned in the video. In case you were interested in reading them for yourself.

Thanks for watching.

~Smile My Way~

A glance, a look that whispers. You see my smile and one dances across your face in response.  Your hand seeks mine, such a simple act, a hand atop a hand. You bring mine to greet your lips which only adds to my smile. I hope to keep witnessing yours, and wish to add to it as well. 

Matt and I painted this past weekend. Normally I prefer watercolor, but we had purchased some woodblock canvases and painted them white a couple months back so we finally decided to paint them. I got an idea and wanted to work on layering the paint. Here is what I painted and it just made me want to write another cheesy poem. I painted this with a particular gushy moment in mind, several in fact. Every time I walk, or drive with Matt he will hold my hand and kiss it. It never fails and I melt every time he does this.

Ok, I gushed enough in this entry, I just really liked how this painting came out.  Do you like to paint, what’s your choice of medium? I’ve been curious about gouache, is it similar to watercolor? I hope you had a great weekend and that this week is even better.

Thanks for reading.

~Traveling: Another Day of BBQ~

This weekend I went with Matt and his friends for another day trip to Lockhart, TX. We hit the exact same BBQ places we did last time, only a different order.

  1. Kreuz Market
  2. Black’s
  3. Smitty’s Market

We had ate the most at Kreuz, the photo above might looks like a mess,but that’s how they serve the BBQ. You request how much you want of each meat and they serve it on sheets of paper. Being the second time I’ve joined in, I now know the way to handle this  for the next time. Always eat at Smitty’s. It’s the best out of the three. We had brisket, turkey, and sausage at Kreuz then had sides at Black’s. Potato salad and banana pudding. When it finally came to Smitty’s, we only had a bite. Not a huge mistake because I was worried I would over do it but I under did it…next time always get Smitty’s.

I also forgot to take more photos of each place, and I did record a clip, but when I was checking my phone I noticed the clip wasn’t there. -.- Not sure, but I guess I either deleted it or forgot to record and only thought I did. I know I don’t have to document everything that happens in my life in order to recall it. These moments with Matt, are not easily forgotten. And I look back at my first post about Lockhart and how we had just started dating. It wasn’t so long ago, but yet it was? I’ll end this post by saying…

“-I’m looking forward to continue getting to know him and spending time with him as often as I can.”

Thanks for reading

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