Inside Kimmy's Mind

~Monthly Moments: May~

Here’s another Monthly Moments video! I had a lot of editing this one…it sort of got choppy in the end, but for the most part, I really like it. These aren’t, by any means, fancy, but I enjoy filming/editing these tiny recaps of my months.


The two key things that happen in every video…1. Cats! Marco and Eve have appeared in every video so far and 2. A clip of my niece! XD I found that funny. I loved the clip of Matt and I laughing…I was trying to take a photo, but it ended up being a tiny clip instead, which was a fantastic moment to capture.  I wish I had recorded more of my time in Austin, but it was just easy to enjoy my time with my sisters and not really focus on pulling out my phone.  But I hope to do better at documenting my trips…hopefully.

Do you remember to take photos of everything you see during a trip, or do you just try to snap photos every now and then?

Thanks for reading and watching.

~Travel~ Sister’s Bday Weekend

Last weekend my sisters, mom, and I went on a trip to Austin for my younger sister’s 24th birthday. She works at a hotel and she get’s mega discounts so she got us a room in a beautiful hotel in downtown Austin.

Two queen sized beds with the most comfortable bedding ever! This 4 day weekend was the perfect time for our little trip. I got off early on Friday and then Kat and I headed to Mija’s place to pack up in her car. (GPS and whatnot) We got to Austin late, so we had a burger at IN-an-Out and then headed to the hotel room.

We woke up early  and started off our day by, of course, going to Modcloth! And this time I tried on more clothes and….even bought something! I bought my first Modcloth dress and I’m hooked. I sort of wish I bought dress #2 that I also liked, but Modcloth is pricey. Even with the discounts, due to Memorial Day weekend, 15% off everything…20% off of things over $100, plush FREE shipping due to ordering in the store.

I loved wearing these dresses, but it was hard to choose between the two of them. They were the same priced and they both had pockets. POCKETS! We all know that makes a dress better. The yellow one was a bit tight fitting, had I eaten a meal, it would have been too tight for comfort. But the larger size was too big on the top. I’m in between sizes…so if they could have something in between a medium and a large…that would be great. Oh well, it also depends on the dress. Because the one I did buy was a medium and it was a perfect fit. Not too tight, not too loose. They made me feel pretty. Another reason I didn’t buy the elephant dress, was even though the print was pretty, I don’t think it was very “me”. I’d probably pair it with a different color cardigan. I may purchase it in the future… hopefully when it’s on sale. Or perhaps they will have the same style of dress in a different print that is more me.

We stayed in downtown for the entire weekend, walking everywhere! We even made the walk to Book People, a cool book store located not too far away, but in the Texas heat it was a bit taxing. Plus, we had to make the walk back to our hotel so we were pretty tired after that. We made our way back to the hotel to cool down and just relax a bit.

It was a lot of fun spending time with my sisters and mother, our schedules are so different that we don’t always get to see each other. I hope Kat had a great bday weekend, I was happy we got to spend that weekend with her.  That’s all for now…until next time. 🙂

Thanks for reading


Dear Me: Another Future Me Email✉

I received another past email from May 20, 2016 that I wrote to myself. I thought I’d share it with you and discuss the contents and how weird it is to consult without myself and remember when I was typing it out and how I felt then and how I feel now.

Dear FutureMe,
Hey, you finally graduated college and your niece will soon be born. Yay!
You are trying to find a career and you don’t think you will meet THE guy any time soon. After what happened with…well you know. I feel stupid, but you definitely don’t regret the breakup. I hope by this time next year, you will have your own place, a decent paying job and perhaps even a someone who loves you. Don’t feel too bad if you haven’t found him yet. Concentrating on yourself is always a good thing. 

I love being you. Remember that.

Now, some back story in case you are confused. I ended my 2 year relationship at the end of 2015. It wasn’t healthy and I had to end things for my sake and his. 2016 began with a lot of heartache but I managed to graduate, find a job and myself. It turned into a very strong year for me, I had to learn who I was again and be a person I was proud to be.

I may not have my own place, but I’m slowly saving up for my own car now that I have to share my current car with my sister. I want my own. It might take a bit, but I’ll eventually get there. I also mention in my email about how it’s ok if I have yet to find THE guy. To my surprise, towards the end of 2016, I managed to find someone special. My love for him grows every day and I look forward to spending as much time with him as I can. Last weekend we went into the Lego Store and created these minifigs….loosely based on ourselves. I have so much fun with him.

I always get excited whenever I get an email from my past self. This email was written in a point in my life where I had to sort of start all over. Starting over is sometimes the best thing you can do. 

Thanks for reading 

~1st Year of The Poogie~

Vera Rose Robertson turns 1 today! My adorable, hilarious, and beautiful niece turns 1! She turned 1, I cannot believe she’s 1! Ok, I’ve said 1 enough.

We celebrated her birthday on Sunday, I didn’t take any pictures on my cell, I was in charge of using the big camera so all the proof…including a video of her vomiting after trying icing. Not full on barf, but she was definitely gagging after trying it. She’s never had sugar before so I guess it was too sweet for her. I felt bad, because I was the one who put the icing on her lips. >.< Sorry Vera. Her party was Moana themed! I love this movie so much, I’m constantly singing the songs, can’t get enough of the soundtrack. Vera only perks up during the songs, she doesn’t seem to pay attention to the rest of the movie.

She’s grown so fast and I can’t believe what a funny little person she’s morphing into and I can’t wait to see how her personality develops as she continues to grow. I love her so much!

Here’s to you my little Vera Rose <3.
When you’re old enough, you’re getting a dinosaur party at the museum and tons of summers away for Science Camp!


~Giveaway~ Zenpop

There are a ton of things that make me happy. Today I’d like to mention something that really brings a smile to my face. Stationery!!!

I recently just purchased a ZenPop box from Japan. I haven’t received it yet but I cannot wait to get it! They give you plenty of peeks into the items you are getting which I am a huge fan of. I like knowing what I’m getting, but having a few surprises is nice too.

They have different themes each month, I purchased the Animal Friends pack? They are including kitty washi tape so I was sold! I also chose this box because it wasn’t something you actually had to subscribe to. You purchase them monthly. I don’t like having to remember to unsub because some monthly sub boxes aren’t always a hit. I’m sure it’s hard when it comes to putting one together and figuring out what to put in it and whatnot but I guess it depends on the type. A stationery box is perfect for me, a book one, where the book is kept hidden…not so much.

And ZenPop isn’t simply a stationery it’s a Japanese stationery box! Another reason why I just signed up for this month’s box. There’s a Sailor Moon pen included and I just had to say yes. This box includes 12 items! And the price is $29.50 FREE shipping! Not too expensive, but not too cheap either. And for exciting news! ZenPop has decided to do a giveaway where you could win one of their past boxes and I would love to win! But I also have a feeling I will be a repeat customer of future boxes. If you’re a stationery addict, then I think this is the box for you.

There’s also a food, and beauty box too, so if you’re not into stationery perhaps those interest you more? I have a list of online sub boxes that I want to try out, so I’ll probably update about that more later. What kind of sub box are you more interested in?

Thanks for reading!


~Final~ 30 Days of Yoga…Sort Of

Goodness, time has gotten away from me and I realized I never did update about my final days of my yoga challenge. Sadly, I didn’t do as well as I had hoped. BUT! I still had a lot of fun and I want to input a daily yoga routine into my schedule. Somehow.

I only managed to complete 8/30 days of yoga. That’s right, 8… -.- My goal was to do at least half, but some days just needed to be skipped. Lack of motivation, tired, hungry,… or to put it simply, I was flat out lazy. I had dedicated Tuesdays as being the days I would go, since I enjoyed the instructor. But it would be rainy, or work was extra tiring, or something. Excuses, I know. Having my friend go with me, was definitely a plus, but then we easily would want to just go home and rest.

My downfall, was also, somewhere along the way it turned into a chore, but only slightly. Because it was still something I enjoyed doing. I created this challenge for myself in hopes of creating a sense of motivation. I started off strong, but then fell flat as after the first week or so. I’m curious, how do I have the energy to maintain other aspects of my life but didn’t have the same for this challenge? Was it because this was a more active activity compared to painting or blogging? Most of my hobbies are done in the comfort of my home where I can sit or even lay down while doing them. I wish I had the determination to finish a bit stronger, but still, 8 days is still nice. I hadn’t gone to yoga in quite some time so it was fun getting back into it. And just because the challenge is over, does not mean I won’t ever touch my yoga mat again. No, I hope to visit the studio once in awhile and continue doing my stretches at home. Now, will I have the motivation for that? Probably not, but if I can squeeze it in here and there, I’m happy.

When I can get another 30 Day’s, I plan to try it out again. And hopefully, accomplish more than just 8. What about you, how do you find motivation?

Thanks for reading.

~Review: Traveler’s Notebook + Smart Fit Pencil Case~

I finally bought myself a real leather Traveler’s Notebook. I wanted a cheaper alternative rather than buying the more pricey and popular Midori…I believe it’s just Traveler’s Company now though. I purchased the Robrasim Pocket sized Traveler’s Notebook in the color coffee and it’s adorable.

I first purchased my Webster’s Pages Color Crush Traveler’s Notebook because it was a bit more affordable, and I really liked the pockets that the Color Crush offered. Bought it in the color mint, even though they have a ton of new colors lately, I’m happy with it. I decided I wanted a passport sized TN and so I searched through Youtube and then I searched through Amazon. I found Robrasim and decided to give them a chance. Aside from them taking awhile to ship it, it still arrived fairly quick, but I didn’t do too much research on the company.  I don’t think I’ll be using this for in depth journaling, but I’m excited to see how I end up using it. Below you’ll find a video review, I might go on for a tad too long, but believe me, it was even longer than that. I like to talk. 🙂 So if you’re interested, feel free to watch that below.

… continue reading this entry.

~Monthly Moments: April~

Here’s the second video in my Monthly Moments series. April went by fast and now here we are in May…busy May .

I have quite a lot of things happening this month, work things and non-work things. Things I’m sort of dreading and things I’m excited for, so it makes the things I don’t really want to do more bearable.  Positive vibes here!!

Here’s a list of things happening in May!

  • May the Fourth Be With You: Mixers & Elixirs (PM Work Event)
  • Cinco De Mayo (Gathering with Matt’s friends)
  • 5.6.17 – Free Comic Book Day, Japanese Festival, Star Wars Art Festival…I think that’s all. w/Matt <3
  • 5.7.17 – Guardians of the Galaxy w/Matt <3
  • 5.12.17 – Dynamo Game w/Matt <3
  • 5.13.17 – 2nd Saturday (AM Work Event)
  • 5.13.17 – JMP Friend’s game night
  • 5.14.17 – Celebrate Mother’s Day!!!
  • 5.16.17 – Bullet Journal Workshop
  • 5.18.17 – Alien: Covenant  w/Matt <3
  • 5.19.17 – Member’s Night (PM Work Event)
  • 5.21.17 – My niece’s 1st Birthday party!!! <3
  • 5.25.17 – Steering Committee Meeting (PM Work Event)
  • 5.26.17 – 5.29.17 : Austin Trip with sisters! + Kat’s Birthday!!!
  • 5.31.17 – Senior Social (AM Work Event)

I think that’s all of it. I may add or cross things off this list as time goes on, but for now….busy, busy, month.

Whether you’re busy or not, how does your month look? 🙂

Thanks for reading ♥


Meeting His Parents

I was so nervous, but I finally had the chance to meet Matt’s parents a couple weekends ago. Matt, calm as usual, kept telling me I had nothing to worry about. And he was right, I had nothing to worry about. They all made me feel very welcomed.

I went with Matt to pick up his parents from the airport.( First time near an airport) That’s right, I’ve never been on a plan. Hopefully, I’ll change that this year. Anyway, we waited for them and then they came and greeted me with open arms. We had dinner at Star Pizza and just talked and laughed. They were so great and reminded me of my parents. His dad would make some jokes, again, reminding me of my own dad. Then we ended the night with some ice cream ( I had Cream Soda- and I’ve been craving it ever since).

The next morning, I drove to Matt’s place where the four of us walked to Biscuit Junkie for breakfast. I had avocado on poached eggs and biscuits. It was pretty yummy. And from there we headed off to Galveston to meet up with more of his family. I met his uncle and cousins, and his grandparents. Again, I was welcomed with open arms and was treated as part of the family. It was lovely. His uncle rented a house on the water and it was gorgeous. I haven’t been to Galveston in years so I was quite surprised. I was reminded that Moody Gardens is in Galveston and now it’s definitely on my list of things to do this year. I think the last time I visited was during a school field trip back in the 8th grade…if I remember correctly. Disney World is still a huge thing I would like to do this year, I’m told before Christmas is the best time to go, and Matt just so happens to be from Florida so a visit there and a visit to his parents would be lovely. I’m just so happy that meeting them went well. It’s interesting to meet the people responsible for the person I love. He resembles both parents, having more of his mother’s features with a dash of his father’s and his added mannerisms. But Matt is much more mellow than his father. But Matt is pretty much more mellow than anyone really.  I haven’t had a chance to meet his younger brother yet, but hopefully I’ll be able to do so soon.

When we finally go to the beach house, we talked and colored with his cousins, then ate some burgers and just enjoyed the view on the water. We played some ping pong, and watched a movie, and then his father wanted to take photos of the sunset. We said our goodbyes and made plans to have dinner the next night. I also offered them museum tickets since they were coming into Houston for the day. We had dinner at Goode Company’s BBQ, and then I suggested we walk around Rice Village so his cousins could do some shopping while his parent’s joined us at Half Price. We later all met up at this crepe shop and had coffee and dessert. It was a great evening and I’m so glad that he introduced me to them. I look forward to spending time with them again.

I hope you are having a great week, and I hope your weekend is filled with fun. If you’re worrying about something, my advice to you is, worry not. Don’t over worry and just do your best in whatever it is. You’re probably like me and worrying for no reason. Just smile, eat some yummy food and blog on. <3

Thanks for reading.

Concert Skirt and Sore Feet

Quite a few lovely things have happened in the past week/weekend. And I’m just so grateful to be where I am in life.

Last Wednesday, my sister Kat and I got to see Tennis in concert at the White Oak House Music Hall. I LOVE this band and I didn’t even notice when their tour was announced or that Houston was on the tour list to begin with. But I thankfully I found out just in time to order tickets. It was a sold out show so I’m glad I was impulsive. Normally, I don’t really do any research on the opening act, so I didn’t pay much attention but I was pleasantly surprised. The Greeting Committee had such a great energy and you could really tell they loved making music. I liked their sound and they were so approachable even nice enough to sign the CD I bought and let me take a photo with them. (Minus one member)

Concerts aren’t something I normally attend, but Kat and I have made some very slow improvements in that area. For more rowdy bands, I prefer standing in the back but for smaller venues and slower rock bands I don’t mind, and Kat and I got spots upfront this time. I think all of the concerts I’ve attended in the past year or so she has accompanied me. Thank goodness because she makes it much more fun. Thanks Kat for coming with me!!! With her new work schedule, planning things like this is somewhat impossible. But luckily, she was able to come with me. I had a lot fun and I hope to see both bands again some day.

Do you like going to concerts, if so, do you enjoy getting a spot upfront or do you prefer standing in the back? I’d love to hear about your concert going experiences. 🙂

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