Inside Kimmy's Mind

Bullet Journaling…Sort of

I’ve been using this pocket size Moleskine for some daily planning and reflecting. I’ve actually liked using it as a daily journal and it has inspired me to also begin daily journaling in my Travelers Notebook as well.

I usually use it for work during the work week however, I may try to use it as an organizational tool once I finish using the pocket notebook. I’ve already purchased a medium size Moleskine and a larger one for specifically for work projects. Now, the world of Bullet Journals is vast and a bit overwhelming, however I’ve really enjoyed watching how others setup theirs. I’m not sure if I can follow the true Bullet Journaling way but I’m figuring out a good mix. I really hope this will just be a way I can also practice my handwriting. I don’t like it very much and I would like to improve, perhaps even tackle some calligraphy or lettering.

There’s so much to consider when starting a bullet journal, for instance the notebook you use. Obviously you can use any notebook you like, that’s the point. It’s supposed to be a way to easily organize your daily tasks and it’s much more fun when you get to personalize the notebook you are using. I decided on Moleskine. One because I already had one, and decided to keep on using it. I now have the same blueish teal color in the pocket, Medium and large notebooks. The large one is for work, the pocket is my personal one and then when I’m done with that one I will switch over to the medium size notebook. I’m ready for that! I decided to stick with the soft cover Moleskines. But the medium size one is dotted, which I prefer rather than ruled.

Pens I use…

I have just purchased some Tombow markers in pastel so I’m looking forward to learning some lettering techniques. I don’t know how good I’ll be at lettering but I want to practice it. Once I switch over I’ll share the way I want to start using it. For my work one, I’m using it to keep track of my projects and meeting notes. I want this to be a way for me to work on my penmanship in general. I hate my messy chicken scratch handwriting. Hopefully, I can train myself to be less sloppy.

Do you like keeping a handwritten journal or is blogging much more your speed? And if you’ve tried out Bullet Journaling, what sort of spreads do you enjoy?

Thanks for reading!


~Monthly Moments: March~

I’m starting this new thing where I film moments during the month and then just piece it together in a montage style vlog. I did not film enough during the month of March but I decided to make one with the shots I did take. It’s really short but I think it’s nice and a great way to look back on the month. I’ve started off strong in April so far, here’s hoping I can keep up with and make the videos the way I imagine them.

Thanks for reading and watching

~Blogging for Books~ Portrait Revolution

Portrait Revolution by Julia L. Kay

My favorite thing about art books, aside from making interesting reading material/making a drab coffee table all pretty, is the inspiration they ignite. Even though  I’m not actually an artist in the traditional sense of the word, I enjoy art and dabbling in it. And  I love the way this book showcases different styles and mediums. Making it easy to get inspired by all styles, yet also figuring out the style you might personally prefer.

For me it was definitely the watercolor medium. I love the way watercolor translate to paper and seeing the different techniques. Like with all art, there are so many you can try. It’s also interesting to see how, within each style, lines translate to form a full portrait. Or how the capture each person’s face.

I was excited for this book, but ultimately, I feel it might have been wasted on me. I didn’t test out any of the techniques myself,  so I can’t really speak of the tips and tricks this book goes over, but it did make me want to create in general.  The perfect inspiration for any artist, so this book made a great gift for my artist brother. He’s always in need of inspiration so I’m hoping this book was able to motivate him. Still, even though I didn’t keep it for very long, I still enjoyed being inspired by it and feeling my creative juices flowing.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

~Anime Matsuri 2017~ Rogue and Gambit

My fringe extension was so hard to keep on my head. I kept laughing and messing with it and the wind wasn’t much help either. I might op for an actual Rogue wig next time, who knows? This was supposed to be casual though.

I normally have a fringe, it wasn’t really behaving. It kept getting in the way of the extension and making it slip. But it’s probably because I didn’t put it on properly. I still had a lot of fun walking around with Matt and we actually got recognized by several people. Two people even asked to take our photo. I wish I had given them my email so I would have had more photos of Matt and me in our outfits. I only have two. -.- Luckily, a friend came up to say hi and I asked him if he could take a photo of us. (Thanks Anthony!)

One of my favorite things though was when I caught eyes from other X-Men cosplayers. They would nod and smile, making me feel as though we were really connected or something. Nice feeling. I didn’t take photos of any other cosplayers. -.- I should have and I don’t know why I didn’t. I was too busy worrying about my fringe. *I know...self absorbed* But I still had a lot of fun. Matt makes things even more wonderful. <3

Hope you all had a great weekend! I also met Matt’s family this weekend so I’ll post about that later this week. Just know…his family is absolutely wonderful.

Thanks for reading.

Update: Rogue and Gambit

And it continues! Anime Matsuri is THIS weekend! I’m nervous and excited and ready to put the finishing touches on my casual cosplay. 

I finally got my gloves! I also have no idea how to do my hair, the white hair extensions I bought aren’t exactly the best quality and I have no idea how to curl synthetic hair without using heat. I’m trying not to stress too much about it though. It’s my interpretation of the character in a casual way so I shouldn’t worry too much, however I did purchased a fringe piece.  I just want to make sure the hair doesn’t look odd, I definitely don’t want to look like a skunk. I didn’t want to get an actual Rogue wig…maybe next time I will. If we take photos though, I might go in and change the hair color for fun…just to see. Aside from those factors, I still have to do my shirt embellishments and then I’m ready!

… continue reading this entry.

~Challenge~ 30 Days of Yoga Update: Day 12

Here we are at Day 12.

I skipped yesterday for a game night at my friend’s, but I did go Sunday…after skipping a few days before that. >.< I’ve been feeling tired. But today I’m going to do my best to go, it’s at 7:30 tonight, but it has my favorite instructor so I want to make an effort here. I just enjoy how she does the class and she’s been the most friendly out of all the instructors. On Sunday I had the first male instructed class. I didn’t like the way he did it though. I felt awkward and I felt like he was disappointed in you when you didn’t do the stretches as long as he did.

He also would come up behind you and fix your poses, which is helpful but he does it without warning and it’s sort of painful. He forces you into a pose rather than working and forgiving your body for not being able to maintain or even do it to begin with. I wasn’t a fan. Tonight’s class is at 7:30…I hate going to that late of a class but the instructor makes it worth it.

I can do it! Thanks for all your support and kind words,  I hope you’re doing well and will update you again soon.

Thanks for reading!

Favorites: Take a Moment

   Take a moment and breathe.

I’ve always considered myself a happy person, happy with the little things and grateful for the huge things. For this entry, I just wanted breathe in everything that has made me happy. Shows, movies, people… the little things and whatnot. With our hectic day to day life stuff, sometimes we forget how great those things are. Life changes all the time and I don’t want to take anything for granted.

… continue reading this entry.

~Challenge~ 30 Days of Yoga Update: Day 5

Skipped a day…already?! I skipped Day 4,  class wasn’t until 7:30,  the 2nd to last class of the day so I didn’t quite have the energy to make it there last night. But tonight! I will make sure to go!

I felt a bit guilty for not going, but I can’t let it make me feel bad. I’m also missing tomorrow because Matt and I have advanced tickets to see Ghost in the Shell. So I can’t let skipping days get to me. To combat the guilty feeling, I might consider doing yoga at home occasionally. I already know that once my 30 days are over, I will probably only go Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. Either all three or once a week or some combination, there are many options. 7:30 classes are harder to maintain motivation for. Luckily, Katie is joining me again this time which helps me get out of the house. I do love how I feel after the class. It’s a great feeling…minus being all sweaty due to the 100 degree temp. I wanted to try out a different class but the Hot cardio is still pretty intimidating. I also wanted to try out the Super Sonic class but again, I was intimidated. Ok, I’m going to go and get ready and do a few stretches before I head out to my class. I just wanted to update you on my progress. Still pumped!

Hope your week has been going well. How do you stay motivated when attempting a challenge? Any tricks or tips?

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~Challenge~ 30 Days of Yoga

I’ve been wanting to get back into yoga for awhile now. I would attend a few classes of hot yoga back in 2015 and I really enjoyed it.

I noticed my attitude changed whenever I started taking the classes. It wasn’t every day, just whenever I could. I felt more confident too, not sure if my body actually changed but I felt like it had. I had a pep in my step and I was more limber too and felt like I could push my body further. Fast forward to now, I haven’t been to a hot yoga class in ages. My body image hasn’t been the best lately and it’s been bringing down my mood. I try not to look too closely at myself, but the other day I stopped in front of my mirror and stared. The thoughts I try hard to ignore found me last night.  Soooooo….let me get to the positive part of this entry. I want to do something about my negative body image.  Bloggers Elisa and Mariz have inspired me to create a little challenge for myself.

… continue reading this entry.

~Book Haul~ Jan. to Feb.

Here’s my belated Jan/Feb book haul, it has been in the works for awhile now and I finally had time to film it. I had the camera zoomed in way too close, I usually like to have the bookcase framed differently. I dunno, I was off. But like Audrey mentioned in her Spring Break entry, I too think videos add a little something extra to the blog.

Anywho, here’s a list of the books I mentioned in the video!

What books have you recently purchased? Can you read more than one book, switching between them? I’m curious to know your book buying rules as well.

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