Inside Kimmy's Mind

~Plan with Me~ A Week in March


Here’s just a little planner video I made for this week, I switched the order around for some things but for the most part I stayed true to it. I have this whole vision on how I wish  my videos could come out, but they never turn out that way. I still have a lot of fun with my amateur videos though. I don’t make as much time to film and edit though. I still want to upgrade my camera and laptop but those will have to wait.

In this video I just wanted to show my Ink Joy Gel pens and the watercolor ish markers I used to decorate my weekly spread. I used to use stamps and stickers but I’m loving these leafy vines! I’ve been doodling them ALL over this place. Washi is still an obsession with me, I just thought I’d keep it simple. I think I might go with this style of planning for awhile. I’ve also been using a notebook to sort-of-bullet-journal a daily spread. I’ve been using it for the week and will finish up the pocket moleskine in June. I’ve already bought a new one to use when this one is done. I decided to get a larger notebook in the same color only with dotted lines. I also plan to give more pages for each day, leave space to journal more. But who knows, I might not need the extra space because it’s a larger scale notebook. I’ll touch base on the notebooks more next time. I have a list of pros and cons, as per usual.

Anyway, do you use a planner, daily, weekly, or monthly? I’d love to know how you stay organized. Also, if you dabble in making videos, I’d love to check your videos out so link your channels below! 🙂

Thanks for reading and commenting

Getting Crafty

I’ve been having that itch to do something creative. Whether it be painting, photography, writing…just something.  And like I mentioned a bit in my Happy post, I am attempting some casual cosplay.

I’ve attempted cosplay before but I wasn’t very good at it.  My main problem is finishing the full outfit. I always start way too late and then never finish it. This time for Anime Matsuri, when Matt suggested we dress up, I immediately went to Rogue and Gambit. I thought, what could be easier? These outfits would be great to casual cosplay. And I managed to find pieces rather easily, they all fell into place, I ordered most of the items. Finding green pants was harder than I thought it would be though and I managed to find some at Macy’s, however I did not like how they looked. I decided to chance ordering some green jeggings on Amazon and they’re great! Comfy too! So I’m excited. I just now need to embellish the shirt, add the patches to the jacket, and remove the hood. I need to get a different belt and then still waiting on my gloves to come in. I hope they make it, these are important.  Now for Gambit, this has proved to be a bit difficult. The jacket….I haven’t been able to find an appropriate jacket anywhere. Matt is tall,  so I was hoping to find something in person so we could make sure it fits. He was hoping to get pleather too, but this jacket isn’t exactly in style. Plus, I was hoping to find something light weight so he wouldn’t be too hot. I know I’ll be hot walking around in this jacket and gloves, but I really just want cute pictures of us together. Won’t have anyway to take them, So I’ll have to do it myself. But oh, well. I wish my siblings were coming with us. I’m so glad Matt is having as much fun with this as I am. I just don’t want him to stress out about not finding the right stuff. I figured we could use these outfits again if we do another con or if we go somewhere for Halloween this year. I would love to use it them again! XD Continuing on, I’ve just been in the crafty mood, so I decided to paint…but what to paint? Rogue of course!!! So I drew from a reference photo and I’m actually surprised with out it came out, much better than I though it would. I’m not great at drawing, let alone drawing human characters but I’m pretty happy with it. I even painted it with watercolors!!! Again, pretty happy! The proportions are a bit odd  but still….happy! 🙂

I have a planner video coming up and a book haul video too, so if you’re interested in seeing those stay tuned! What do you do when you’re feeling motivated to create something? Do you have any artsy hobbies you haven’t had time for? I’d love to hear about it.

Thanks for reading!



I introduced Matt to my parent’s. I know, some might consider 5 months of dating too soon, but I wanted my parents to meet him. He’s all of the above and so much more. ❤

My dad is a very hyper person, especially when he is having a good time.  If he likes a person, then he continues on with his hyper attitude and partners it with his mile-a-minute-talking. Something he and I have in common. Sadly, if he does not like a person then he remains quiet. Which is usually unheard of. He also met my 9 month old niece. She was so shy and it was so adorable. She clung to my shirt and just kept eyeing him. He would hold out his hand to her and she would reach for him then take her hand back. She let him hold her for a second, I guess she was just trying to figure him out.

Now, I was not worried about Matt meeting my family. He’s a great conversationalist, even though he feels as though he is awkward. I think, provided the people around him are actively including him, then he has no problem. Now he’ll be invited to family gatherings and weekend trips to my parent’s. He definitely made an impression. As for Matt’s parents, they live in Florida but will be visiting Texas next month. I’ll get a chance to meet them during their visit and I hope they like me, I have some concerns that I’d rather not type out let alone say out loud. -.- Just some run of the mill jealousy and nervousness.

Meeting the parents is a serious matter. But this is morphing into a serious relationship, and even though I have introduced two other boyfriends beforehand but I’m not going to let past relationships haunt my new one.

Does the idea of meeting the parents make you nervous, I’d love to hear your thoughts. That’s all for now.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Favorites: Happy Things

Hello lovelies! I thought I’d share some things that have me smiling. I still have a collective book haul that I need to make, so look forward to that too.

  • Breakfast: I love breakfast foods. However, I don’t usually eat breakfast in the mornings. I guess I’ve always tricked myself into believing that I wasn’t hungry. But Matt is very much a breakfast person not to mention a coffee person. We’ve been indulging a bit too much but I’ve really enjoyed it. But this past weekend he made me breakfast in bed…. I was still half asleep when he presented it to me, but it was one of the most romantic things I’ve ever seen. Scrambled eggs and toast with jam! Swoon! He’s so great!
  • Final Fantasy Explorers: Matt and  I both just recently bought this game at Gamestop. I’m so glad we did, because it’s a lot of fun playing games together.
  • Kanken Backpack: I bought this backpack a month ago for my weekend trip to Austin back in January. I now must have it in every color!!! Or at least in mint, yellow, and grey….for now. I have it in bright green! This backpack holds so much and just makes me so happy. It’s the perfect backpack. Seriously…perfect.
  • Pokémon pin: Target Cartwheel is wonderful. I ended up getting a perk for a free, book, movie or toy..ect. I decided to buy this $16 pack of Pokemon cards just so I can get the extra MegaVenusaur enamel pin. And I got it FREE! Bulbasaur is my favorite pokemon so I needed this.
  • Watercolor notebook: I’ll mention this more in a separate blog post. I’ve been wanting to get back into watercoloring. I was never really good at it, it was just something I enjoyed doing. I like having hobbies.
  • Casual Cosplay: I’m really excited for this! Matt and I plan on going to Anime Matsuri this year and we’re going to dress up as Gambit and Rogue! These two are my favorite Marvel couple/X-Men. I’m not sure if I can pull off a really good Rogue, which is why I say casual. I’ve never really cosplayed before so I don’t want this to be something I stress over. The con is in April, so I want to get started on this ASAP. Casual, meaning we are just going to try to get key elements of the characters. For Gambit, I’m thinking Matt can get away with a trench coat, black pants, a purple button up, black gloves, and a deck of cards. Perhaps even his staff? For Rogue, I want to make sure to keep her signature yellow and green color scheme. Definitely want to find a brown jacket, yellow gloves, and her streak of white hair. I may even look for some green skinny jeans and some yellow chucks. I also want to get an X-Men belt buckle! I’m still figuring things out. If you have any tips on cosplaying, I’m all ears!
  • Music: Elisa from MilkBox mentioned Passion Pit in one of her check in posts. I haven’t been able to get Where the Sky Hangs out of my head for weeks. Oh Wonder’s- Drive and Live Wire has also gotten themselves stuck. I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing them in concert. I love duos!

What are you loving at the moment? I’d love to hear about it. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Planner Addict


This may shock/bore you, if you are not interested in stationery, planners, or paper items in general. A new craft store opened up in Houston last summer. Needless to say, my sisters and I went a little crazy.

The planner craze is still going strong and  I’m obsessed. I love to see how it is constantly changing. I’m going to share the things I bought from that lovely shop and then I’d like to talk about some items I’d like to purchase this year to add to my planner/stationery obsession.

First up:

I love minty items. I can’t seem to get enough of them, I made the video above a while back but it still gives you an idea about how they look. There are pros and cons to everything but for the most part I love these items and will do an updated flipthrough soon so if you’re interested in seeing that, let me know.

Now on to the items I’d like to purchase

Michael’s has this typewriter by typecast and I’m sooooo tempted to buy one. I know, it might seem like a waste of money to you but to a stationery addict like me! I’d love owning one. I scrapbook as well as make cards and this would come in handy. My printer and I don’t always see eye to eye. It’s something I’m still considering so nothing has been decided yet. I’m still browsing the web and watching reviews on Youtube. It is 200 bucks, quite a bit to spend. Moving on…

  • Portable Photo Printer

I’ve been wanting a small photo printer to print out my photos. I know, probably something else that could be considered a waste of money. But I’ve been wanting one. I keep looking at different brands, there’s the LG, HP, Polaroid, something Zip? So many different kinds and I can’t seem to pick one I want to save up for. I’ve been wanting to have hardcopies of photos and again, my printer doesn’t always work the way I want it to. I figured a portable printer might work out better. Any thoughts?

  • New Digital Camera

This would be the most expensive. I don’t need it to be sooo fancy, since I’m still learning about photography, but I’d like to invest in a good camera and continue learning. Plus, I’d like to up my vlogging game with some new gear. This is also something I have no clue what kind I’d like. I’ve been researching but nothing concrete yet. If you have any tips or suggestions, I’m all ears. I don’t have a budget yet on the camera, I figured once I picked out the camera I wanted then I’d know what my aim is and then just start saving for it.

  • New laptop

Like the camera, I would like to up my gear…including the laptop I would use to edit the video. I don’t need it to be topnotch, but I would like it to handle a bit of gaming and then my amateur editing skills. My current laptop is an HP and it can’t handle certain programs. I would love for it to be a mint color! I’ve always wanted a green or mint computer/laptop. That might be asking for too much, but it’s just something I’d like.

The smaller items I get fairly often but when it comes to the larger products, I tend to really put some thought into it before just going out and buying it. Do you usually weigh your options before buying a larger item, or do you just go for it? I’d love to hear your stories.

Thanks for stopping by and reading.


Pen Pals ✉

I love receiving/writing letters! As a child, I always wanted to have more people to send letters to.


The term pen pal was introduced to me in the 2nd grade, my class was practicing letter writing and we had been assigned a pen pal from a neighboring school. Sadly, I have no memories of my pen pal nor can I remember the gender or school my pen pal was/from. I can only recall the day my teacher told us that we would be paired up. I remember writing out my first letter to them, but again, no memory of what was actually said.

As I grew up, I still found joy in the idea of writing out a letter or sending a package to a friend. I exchanged letters with friends, whom I’d met at school from time to time but nothing that actually remained constant. It wasn’t until my first semesters at university did my best friend and I start exchanging a notebook where we would keep our letters in. She had moved to another state, me to another city and we wanted to keep in touch. Life got in the way but we kept it up for while and I was pretty proud of us. She and I still send each other mail from time to time and that always puts a smile on my face. And then this year for Christmas, the wonderful Whimsical Joy sent my sister and I a Christmas card with two crochet bookmarks. I just had to respond with my own handmade item so I wrote her a letter and made her a knitted mug cozy.

And when Matt and I first started to date, he went out of town several times during those beginning months and he would send me a post card from each place he visited. Such a thoughtful souvenir to receive from him. Also, a friend from college and I have agreed to write each other letters from time to time. He lives in Galveston, so we aren’t very far away from each other but he’s currently going to Med school and we’ve decided to stay in touch in anyway we can. Don’t know how he does it, but he’s always been a very positive guy and I’m glad to be reconnecting with him now.

I’m excited and hope to maintain a consistent back and forth of letter writing. It’s nice, getting a letter from a good friend. I plan on upping my card game. He’s in for a surprise.

That’s fall for now. Thanks for reading. ♥




Valentine’s Day: a day deemed the most important day to show your significant other that you love them.


This shouldn’t be the only day you show your loved ones that you love them. This also shouldn’t only be a day for couples, it’s a day for everyone to show their love. My mother surprised me with a card, she was like a ninja and hid it in my room the last time she came to visit me. I’ve been saying this a lot, but love comes in so many different forms so why shouldn’t this day, along with every other day, be a day you show love?

Yes, I am in a relationship, but I don’t usually make a huge deal in doing the typical couple-Valentiney-things. I spent a lovely evening with the boyfriend, we ate dinner, dessert- he made me a strawberry cake- and watched Avatar. I loved it. I love him. He makes every day special because loving someone isn’t something that can be expressed once in awhile. It’s not something that is only shown in order to make a pretty instagram photo. It’s something that isn’t always seen but you feel it. I feel loved every time Matt looks my way, when my siblings tease me about something, when my mother answers the phone when I call, or when my dad saves the day when there’s a storm brewing. I am indeed lucky. And I bet, if you took the time to see all that is around you, you’ll feel the love too.

So please, treat this day like any other day, don’t let the candies and flowers make you feel as though you don’t matter. Relationships are great, but loving yourself is just as great. I hope you spent this day with loved ones, and I hope you spoiled yourself because you deserve it.

That was my 2 cents on this Hallmark Holiday.

Thanks for reading.

Mornings with You ?


The moments before I fall asleep I snuggle against your back, wrapping my arm around you and I can easily fall asleep with you beside me.

The moments before I’m fully awake, I can feel you kiss my cheek. I can feel you touch my hand.  My vision blurred, streaks of light peeking in through the blinds while purrs and high pitched meows beckon us to wake up.  I can feel myself wanting to say good morning yet I want to linger in your arms just a bit longer before I wake up. 


Dear Me: A Letter of Hope ✉


Several bloggers (Hey Georgie) have been writing letters to their past selves. It’s nice, because you have gone through the hardships that, that you has yet to experience. Has yet to learn from and has yet to grow from those experiences. But I would like to address a letter to the future me. The me that is experiencing the things I will one day experience. I’ve used the site and it’s exciting when I get a letter from past me so I’ll do it here, today,  right now. For Future Me to read.

Dear Future Me


I hope you are still very much happy with where you are in life. You have never been happier, even though you enjoyed school, you are so glad to be done with it now. You worked hard and I hope you continue to do so. If you’re no longer working at the museum, I hope you’re somewhere fun and that you enjoy it. I hope you’ve managed to move into a 2 bedroom apartment by now. If not, no worries, your time will come. I hope Vera loves hanging out with her cool tia, and loves for you to read all the books you’ve acquired for her during her first year. She’s growing up so fast it truly is amazing. She’s picking up things quickly and already has three teeth! Even though, at this moment in time, you have soooo many things to be happy about, know that if some of those things have changed in YOUR time, that’s ok. My only hope is that you maintain your strength and don’t lose yourself.  Until then…

I’m ready to keep on growing, and I look forward to seeing where I end up. That’s all for now.

Thanks for stopping by.✎

~Travel~A Trip with You ?

As a Christmas gift, Matt gave me a weekend trip to Austin. I was so excited for this trip, 1. Because I was going with Matt <3 and 2. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel much so packing for a trip and going on said trip had me all excited.


I might have taken things a bit far when it came to packing for this trip, but in my mind, I didn’t want to forget something that I might need. I had plan on filming things so I could create a travel vlog, however, my camera remained in it’s case the entire trip. -.- I was sick for the majority of the trip, Matt had caught a cold the week before last so I knew I’d also catch whatever it was he had. Saturday was the worse, and I know what you’re thinking…“Kim! Why didn’t you just reschedule?!” I didn’t want to! I was looking forward to it, and I had already cleared it with work. Had I been seriously ill, then yes I would have rescheduled. But I was fine! I was feeling much better by Sunday, but I didn’t let the blah cold prevent me from having fun during the weekend. Matt was so attentive and just all around amazing. He even let me go to Modcloth to try on clothes, it was a fit store so you try on the clothes and then they order and ship it to your house. I wish it were an actual department store but it was still lovely to visit. I may not have any video to show but here is a collection of photos, which is just as good.


I wish I had taken more photos while on this trip but sometimes I just wanted to enjoy the moment.  It was a wonderful trip and we’re already wanting to figure out where we will go for our next trip. I’m also hoping not to be sick whenever we do go on another trip. To Matt: This trip was wonderful, I enjoyed every moment of it and can’t wait to travel with you to other places. ?

The travel spark has been ignited and I’m looking forward to taking more trips this year. Perhaps even board an airplane? 🙂 Do you over pack for trips or have you figured out a happy medium? And do you have any fun trips planned this year?

Thanks for reading!

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