There are none so blind as those who will not see.
“Happiness is like a cat, If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you’ll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap.”
– William Bennett
I’m not exactly blind, I just wish I could ignore the things I am looking at. You know I need to consume my time with school. I have things to do. You know? I am a very busy person. I am. -.- You know things used to be so easy. Why can’t l go back to easy?
Because-Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.
Well when you put like that. Sigh. I’m annoyed and I’m not really sure why. My chest hurts. It might be heartburn I ate Chinese. Anyway, I like the whole comparing happiness to a cat, because I have two cats and they only come when you don’t want them to. Except for those, when pigs fly moments. Going back to what I was saying I have tons of things to do. And its not like I am behind in school. I have plenty of time, I am just doing things slowly. I mean I think its faster than how I did things last semester. How is it possible to have enough things to do and then not have enough things to do? I mean forget time. Time isn’t really a factor in this problem like it use to be. This post doesn’t really make since does it?
On another note I am currently working on making a video response to littleradge’s video on youtube entitled Talk to your past. The point of his video is, if you could travel back 10yrs what 10 things would you tell your self. In my case I would be 9, and in…third grade I believe. So yeah, thats a video I’m working on right now. Then I will start working on my video for KimCateKat which is the collaboration videos Cate and Kat and I have started on our own channels. Instead of making a completely different channel that is. I haven’t really thought about my 9yr old self. I mean, my mind is too busy thinking of the more recent past than the 10 years ago past. *My chest hurts still. *I don’t think its heartburn*
So on to the narcissistic part of this entry. I was taking pictures of…myself. Because I usually did that for my myspace. Sorry I’m a camera whore. Its a habit. Even though I no longer have a myspace, there is always facebook pictures. ^_^ Anyway, I took pictures I noticed wow I really don’t have an upper lip. >_< I mean I’ve always known that, but these particular pictures actually pointed it out to me. I mean it makes me laugh. I don’t have an upper lip. How strange is that? I mean its like when someone asks, hey are my eyebrows even? And even after you answer them no not at all , you can’t help but keep staring at their eyebrows because then they suddenly appear out of place. Maybe that one is just me. Well anyway the point is if they weren’t so self-conscience about the evenness of their eyebrows then I would never notice the oddness of eyebrows in general. lol Wow I should really go to sleep. >_< I mean I have now just pointed out the fact that I have no upper lip. sigh. I should sleep. Goodnight and sorry for this bizarre blog entry. It won’t happen again. This is the product due to my procrastination issue.
The mind is for seeing, the heart is for hearing. -Proverb